Saturday. December the 29th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a cold morning wind from the north with a Slow Shower of rain cloud very heaven and low Thermemeter registers at an earley hour to day at even 40 Degrees tempature. The familey as a general rule was out of bed quite Earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness. all too my Self i was out of my bed of repose Some what late as i was not very well rested rather poorley through the last past night. but after So long a while i a rose from my bed of repose put my clothes on then fed my teem and the milk calves by that time the woman folks had the mornings meal Served and on the table readey for to be eaten So the familey and guest Seated there Selves too the table then portaken of the Same all but my Self. I eat my mornings meal in my bedroom by a good fire by the writing desk Virginia Frownfelter is Suffering Severely this morning with the toothache can See no peace for the misery She is having in her tooth to day. The children taken care of the breakfast table this morning for there Grandmama. after the morning meal was over with in Lum and James Costley. E.D.Costley Son geered my teem then hitched then too my wagon then drove out in my pasture after Some wood that i hired Old Uncle Ike Bibles to cut for me some time back after they returned back too my place i then ungeered the teem for the boys as they were very cold after getting ungeered i then put them up in the Stable and Stall then fed them. after getting through I come in doors taken a good warm. after getting through I come in doors taken a good warm. after getting thouraly warm i then walked out too the wood pile and choped up wood for night and morning and then Lum and Some of the children hope (helped) to bring the wood in doors in a Short while, my wife began to prepare our noons meal being rather late in the afternoon of the day after getting the meal Served and on the table and announced readey we then Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of our meal, after we were through i then taken a warm by a good fire, as it was very cold after i was warm thourley , I then caught and geered my horse. hitched him too my buggy then annie and Edney and Loueasey Leng mounted our Selves in my buggy and i drove for Crawford as the children was wanting to pay Zellar Clary a viset before they left for there place of a bode, at Joshua Johnson County Texas as they aime Starting for there home on to morrow morning or rather on the North bound train late at evening. being the Santafe train after arriving at Crawford annie dismounted from the buggy walk into Wesley Tadlocks Store and purchased a couple of pare (pair) of Stockens after purchasing of them we then drove on down to Sam Clarys after ariving at his place annie and Edna dismounted walked too there door gave Several rapps on there (their) door facen and no one responded too the call So they mounted in the buggy i then drove for Sam Clarys Saddle and horness Shop. there the Girls dismounted and and walked in too Clarys Shop to remain untill. I could have Some work done on my buggy. after getting the buggy mended. I then mounted in my buggy then drove down to Clarys Shop then the girls mounted in my buggy. I then drove for my place of a bode after arriving at the place I taken my horse from the buggy then ungeered my horse put him in the Stable then fed both of my horses that i Keep up to work, during that time Virginia Frownfelter milked the cows. after She was through i taken the calves too there post then tied and fed them. my wife prepared the Evenings meal for the familey. after getting of it Served and on the table and announced readey to be eat the famely (familey) Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same when through with our meal after we were through with the meal the woman folks taken care of the Suppertable and put evry thing in good Shape again then moved in too our bedroom by a good fire and had Some nice Songs and Some nice Speeches delivered by annie Edna and Loueasey Leng our Grand Children after all was over with we departed to our bed of repose as i had finished recording of the labor performed by the familey to day. So we will all retire to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past, and when done with these frail bodys of ours here on earth to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heave (heaven) Save us is my prayer to night-Amen On Sunday December the 30th 1900 hundred Virginia Frownfelter and children left for Joshua Johnson County Texas the place where they reside when at home W.E. Costley W.E. Costley. at. home. near. Middle. Bosque. creek Sunday the Lords day we are commanded to neither work nor play for it is Gods Holdy day December the 30th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a damp dreary morning raining from the South at and Earley hour to day as it was raining in the Earley part of last night and in the latter part of the night just passed, wind rather cool from the South, but in a short while. the wind changed too the South west The thermometer at Eight O'Clock to day registered 62 Degrees tempature at 12=6 clock All of the familey was out of bed quite Earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness all apearantly well but my wife and my Self. my wife is Suffering with a Severe cold and a choking or Smothering Sensation through the night just passed but Some what better to day. I am Still Suffering with my bowels. I prepared the fire in the Stove for the woman to Serve the mornings meal by and whilst they were prepareing of the mornings meal i fed my teem calves and fattening hogs. then come in doors washed my hands and face by that time the mornings meal was Served and on the table so the familey with the Exception of my Self Seated there Selves too the table then portaken of there mornings meal and i dined at my desk by a warm fire. as the table was filled a round its Surrouding with out me. after all was through with there (their) mornings meal my wife went to work washed and put a way her dishes cupps and Saucers Knives and forks then put her Kitchen and dining room in good order for the day. also her dwelling house then taken a rest for a while. after getting well rested my wife and Virginia Frownfelter went . to work to prepare a earley noons meal to day as it was the day that She was calculating to go too her place of abode. at Joshua Johnson County Texas and during the time they were preparing the noons meal James Costley annie an Edna and Loueasey Leng and my Self mounted in the wagon and drove to Middle Bosque to water the teem and to hall abarrel of water as we were about out of water after the horses had drank very hearily and James Costley and Annie Leng had filled the barrel with water i then drove back too my place unhitched my teem. then hitched them in the Stall out of the cold wind. then James Costley annie leng diped the water out of the barrel in order that we might have the wagon to take Virginia Frownfelter too the train at Crawford as her and familey is going home on the north bound Santafe pasenger train this evening at Joshua Johnson county Texas. Lum Costley walked over to Crawford to the Methodist preach preaching or meeting at an Earley hour to day promising Virginia Frownfelter that he would meet her at the train this evening his sister to bed them good by After the woman folks prepared our noons meal and had portaken of the Same we then made preperations for going to Crawford to be there at the in coming train going north as Virginia Frownfelter and children was going home on the Same . after arriving at the depot we all dismounted from my wagon unloaded Virginies trunk and other tricks on the platform to be checked then walked in Side of the Sitting room to a wait the the coming of the North bound pasenger train which was Some what late So it was reported. however we remained about one hour and it Still, hadent arrived So my wife and my Self mounted in our wagon . i then drove for my place of a bode both Sad and dreary as we could be as we had had So maney (many) of our children with us for the last ten days and all at once of a Sudent. be left entirley alone nearley heart broken. but such is the fruits of life either a feast or a fammen with the presence of our off Springs , and departure of the Same, but at last it is all over with. and all that we can Say or do is to indure all the troubles that is placed up on us old people as well as we can. After arriving at home i ungeered my teem then led them too my upper field and turned them into graze about that time the north bound pasenger, train passed through my farm but i could not See any of my people as the train was so much crouded (crowded) but on they went just the Same, i then returned back too my lot then Shucked corn and fed my fattening hogs. and the cows, afterwards i cutt and prepared wood for night and morning then brought it in doors for to be conveniant to get at when neaded (needed). during that time my wife was prepareing our evenings meal, after getting of it Served and on the table and announced readey for to eat we then Seated our Selves too the table a lone as usual then portaken of our evenings meal, when through with our meal my wife taken care of her Suppertable and put evrything in good Shape a gain, then as She is accustom of doing she moved her Self in too her bed room Seated her Self down by a warm fire and taken a rest as She felt Some what wearried from her days labor and Said that She felt Sick at the Stomach as She had Such a bad cold. as to my Self i went to work to finish up recording the labor that has been performed on the premiseses to day and also the different changes of the weather, through out the entire day. at or near ten Oclock in the fore noon of to day the clouds began to pass off and in a Short while it become pirfectly clear and bright and remained so the balance of the day the Sun Sit clear and nice Some what cool having a west wind blowing the most of the day.Now as i have a letter on impartant buisiness to write to night to E.D. Costley of Waco i will come to a close on this part of the work by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past and when done with our frail bodys here on earth to hand us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night_ Amen W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek Monday December the 31st AD 1900 hundred Opened up a cold freezing morning very clear the Sun rose very bright and nice not a cloud to be Sein (seen) after the Sun rose but just after daylight this morning the cloud that come up with the norther on the night just passed. passed a way Southward but about 9 nine Oclock AM the Slo (slow) cloud made its appearance in the South East low down in the Elements the north wind Still contunues to blow cold and brisk The thermometer earley this morning registers at 24 Degrees tempature. my wife and my Self were out of bed quite late this morning on the account of being So Cold and disagreeable but however after So long a while we Sumed up courage enough to a rise from our bed of repose clothed our person then went to work again after our usual way of doing as we were a lone we prepared our mornings meal by our fire Side in our bed room, and after getting of it Served we then portaken of the Same Sitting by a good fire after we were through with our meal my wife taken care of the vessels that we used in eating of our meal then put her house in order for the present day whilst i went to work and recorded what had been done up to the present time being about nine Oclock in the forenoon of to day also in connection of a discription of the weather so far up in the day. after i was through with this work i then fed my fattening hogs fowls and milk calves and other Stock a bout the premises. when through with that work i then brought my teem down from my upper field then fed them, and taken them to middle Bosque to water after returning from the creek i then put the horse in the Stable and Judy in the Stall, then fed my fattening hogs from that part of the work i then choped up wood for night and morning. then brought the calves in Side of the enclosure taken them too the lot tied them then fed them and the cows i then brought my wood in doors that i had choped in order to have it handy as it is too cold to go out after it when wanted as it is freezeing weather. it has become to be very cloudey and cold in the later part of the day. and appearantley growing colder It is reported to day that on the line of Texas north that the snow on the ground was too (two) feet in debth.(depth) and Still Snowing at a rapid rate and was making South in its course or direction. now as we are through with our labors for to day and being the last day of 1900 hundred i will write a Short Sketch of its latter days now just passed and gone never to return any more. as follows. Behind us is a year and a century: we turn to face it one last time in retrospectin_ and behind us is a nother. century. and here upon the threshold of the New, with but a Step to lead us forever from the old _ full handed with favors of th.e. past and hopeful indeed of the future. as this is the last day of 1900 hund (hundred) which from age have to give way for a nother century to take its place i will now close with the past and depart to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save usis my prayer to night _Amen W.E. Costley at home near middle Bosque creek. This cold freezing Spell blew up from the North at a bout ten Oclock at night. December the 30th AD 1900 hundred Jan. 2 - Jan.5, 1901 W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek Wednesday January the 2th A.D. 1901 hundred and one opened up quite a cold morning wind from the north very cold and cloudy Still, at although the Sun gives Some light occasionley (occasionally) thermometer registers this morning at 32 Degrees tempature ice this morning. my wife and my Self was out of our bed of repose tolerably earley this morning clothes on readey for our dailey work i built the fire in the fire place this morning and She prepared our mornings meal by the Same with my assitance (assistance) as i made the coffee for her after getting of it Served with chairs and Stools for our table we Seated our Selves in front of a good fire in our bed room then portaken of the Same. after we were through with our mornings meal. my wife taken care of the vesels that we used in eating of the morning meal, after She was through She then put her house in order for the day then to work She went again to Sewing on Miss Maud Billmans new frock that She was making for her, whilst i russeled a round and fed the Stock and fowls and attended to Some other work a round the premises, and as the day advanced it appeared to grow colder as the north wind grew Stroger (stronger) with the advancement of the day and Some what more cloudey than it was in the earley morning of to day. Now this is a Statement of facts of the labor performed and the weather as it is up to nine Oclock in the fore noon of to day My bowels are giving me much trouble this mornng as they are full of pain passing of blood. My wife appears to be alright to day with the exception of a Slight cold. at or near Eleven Oclock in the fore noon to day My wife and my Self walked down to the Section house to See old man Finnie as he was Sich after arriving at the place we found the old man in the bed and Doctor A.M Armstrong at his bed Side attending him as there familey Physican after remaining for Some three quarters of and hour with the familey we then returned back home, after arriving at home my wife went to work Sewing again. untill about one Oclock in the evening from which She left off with her Sewing and prepared our noons meal, during the time She was at work i was mending her Shoes and one of mine by tacking the Sole on one of hers and a piece on the heal on one of mine and So Soon as She had the meal prepared we Spread it out in front of a good fire in our bed room then eat the Same as it was rather too cool for us old people to eat a way from the fire after getting through She taken care of the vessels that we used in portaken of the meal, after getting through entirley with the clearing up of evry thing about the eating part we then went to work a gain. my wife to Sewing again whilst i watered and fed my teem, after i was through i then put up a traugh in my Stall to feed one of my horses in after I was through i then prepared wood for night and morning and brought it in doors in order to have it handy. at any time that i Should nead it, i then fed the milk cows and fattening hogs and at the wind up of the days work i coppied off some poetry out of a Dallis (Dallas) paper in too my diary whilst my wife was Still Sewing on Miss Maude Billmans frock. after we were through with our work we then departed too our bed to rest by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past, and when done with our frail bodys on earth to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night _ Amen W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque. Creek Thursday January the 3dh A.D. 1901 hundred and one Opened up quite a cool morning heavey freeze wind from the north East at an Earley hour to day. The thermometer registers this morning at 29 Degrees tempature very cloudy but no rain or Sleet So far up in this cold spell. my wife and my Self was out of bed quite Earley to day in order that we could have an earley Start at buisiness to day after arising from our bed of repose and my clothes on i built the fire in the fire place then my wife arose from her bed of rest clothed her person and went to work prepareing the mornings meal with my assistance as i had to parch the coffee after getting of it Served She Spred it out on a bench by a good fire in our bedroom as it was too cool to eat in the dining room at the table then we enjoyed the warpth (warmth) of a warm fire in portaken of the mornings meal, when through my wife taken care of the dishes ued (used) at our mornings meal and washed and put them away then put her house in good order for the day. whilst i did the feeding of the Stock after getting through i then went to work to chopping Some wood for the place to burn and halling of it too the house at or near ten oclock in the fore noon of to day the Sun began to Show its Self Smartly as though it might clear up in a Short while and become Settled weather once more but at the turn of the day it become much cloudier and colder as the wind Shifted too the North East . I cut wood untill about half past too_Oclock in the eavening (evening) then left off work come too the house fed my teem then Eat my Second meal for to day as we had our dinner rather late on the account of having late breakfast, this morning, after the meal was over with i then geered my teem hitched them too my wagon then drove down too the rock quary South west from my house and loaded on the wood that i had choped to day and halled it too my house after arriving at the place i unloaded the Same as i had too have the wagon to hall water with. I then put the barrel in the wagon then my wife and my Self mounted the wagon. i then drove to middle bosque to water my teem and to hall a barrel of water after getting of the barrel filled, i then drove back to my place of abode unhitched my teem from my wagon then ungeered them put the horse in the Stable and old Judy mare in the Stall. i then drove the calves up off of the wheat south of my house after getting them too (t)he house my wife milked her cows whilst i fed my teem fattening hogs and the cows by that time night fall Sit in i then brought my night wood in doors and that ended the out door work for to day. this by the whole has been a tolerable fare day for work. but rather cool and cloudey wind Shifting too the North east causing a very disagreeable wind much like Snow but not a drop fell on my place through out the day. Now i have gone to work and have a bout finished up recording of the labor performed on the premises to day by my wife and my Self and also have gave a Skitch of the movements of the weather through out the day Now we will go to our beds to rest by first asking the lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past, and when done with these frail bodys to hand us down too our grave in Peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind, and in heaven Save -us is my prayer to night-Amen W.E.Costley at home near middle Bosque Creek Friday January the 4th A.D. 1901 nineteen hundred and one Opened up quite a cool morning wind from the South W. The thermometer at an Earley hour registers 42 Degrees temperture very cloudey much like a continuation of unsettled weather my wife and Lum Costley were out of bed quite earley to day clothes on readey for buisiness my wife prepared the mornings meal whilst i remained in the bed very Sick at the Stomache after Serving of the meal She then placed it on the table then her and Lum Seated them Selves at the table and portaken of the Same when through with the meal my wife taken care of her breakfast table and washed then put a way her dishes cupp & Saucers Knives and forks afterwards put her Kitchen and dining room in good repare fror (for) the present then Stratened (straightened) up her bedroom after So long a while i arose from my bed dressed my person i then washed my face and hands then eat a bite or So and drank, Some coffee whilst Lum Costley geered his poney hitched him too the buggy then drove out for Crawford to See what could be done in the way of work. and parties. After i fed the Stock i the(n) ground on my ax a bit then walked down to the Rockquary and began to chop wood for my fire place and choped untill a bout too oclock in the after noon from which i Stoped off work then come too the house Seated my Self down by my desk and began to record the work that had had been done on the premises to day up to too_Oclock in the after noon. this So far has been the warmest day we have had Since Christmas day. Still cloudey but not So much like rain as it was in the fore noon of to day, my wife has been quite buisey all day attending to affares a round the house. at about too oclock my wife prepared our Second meal for to day after getting of it Served and on the table we then eat a portion of the Same. after we were through with our meal. my wife taken care of her dinner table and put evry thing in good repare then taken a walk down too the Section house to See old man Finnie as he was Sick and it was so that i could not go my Self as i had to water my teem and chop Some wood I then watered my teem turned them loose in E.D.Costleys botton field to graze for a bit then had a Short conversation with Mr Louis Billman as he was plowing in the Same field I then. then come up on top of the hill by the rock quary and went to chopping wood a gain and choped untill the Sun was quite low. then quit off and come to the house, and hope (help) my wife turned the yearling out Side. I then walked down to the botton field after my teem then prepared wood for night & morning. i then fed my teem and hogs about that time, my wife come and brought a pig a round too the coop and put it in in order to find the owner as it had just come on the place as a Stray not Knowing who it belong too, after we was through we come in doors and my wife commenced to prepare our evenings meal. about that time Lum come in from his trip up to Maddoxes. After my wife had Served the Evening meal, we Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same. after getting through my wife taken care of the Supper table and put evry thing in good order, whilst i finished recording of the days work that has been done on the premises to day by my wife and my Self and the weather of the day at about half past four Oclock in the after noon there was a cloud rose in (the) South and passed off to the East. this has been the pleasantest day that we have had in Some time past. Now as we are through with our days work we will go too our bed of repose by first asking the lord to gard and protect us through the future as he has in the past and when done with our frail bodys here on earth to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night__ Amen W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek Saturday January the 5th AD 1901 Opened up quite a cloudey cool damp morning wind from the South much in appearance of falling weather dark and gloomey. The familey in general were out of bed quite earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness. i prepared the fire in the fire place for my wife to Serve the morning meal by She then went to work and by the time that i had fed the Stock She had the mornings meal Served and on the table readey for be eat. So we Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same during the time we were preparing the meal and feeding. Lum was playing the fiddle for his past time after all were through my wife attended too her breakfast table and put her house in order for the day whilst Lum and i ground the ax. So i could chop more wood for the fireplace to day. then Lum went to work to fixing of the yard fence putting up wire in order to Keep the Stock from passing from one field in too the other whilst my wife prepard to wash our clothes She washed in the house as it was too cool to wash outdoors as the day advanced it appeared though the weather was going to be much more disagreeable as it apears to be turning a great deal cooler than it was in the earley part of the day. I hope (help) Lum fix the yard fence after geting of it fixed Lum then dress him Self walked over to Crawford to meet the South bound train as he was going to waco to get in too work whilst i taken my ax walked down near my rockquary South west of my house and began to chop wood for my fire place, i choped untill about 12-Oclock from which i Stoped off work come to the house built a fire for my wife to prepare the noon meal by as She was washing of her close (clothes) So She Stoped off washing and went to work to prepare our meal vituals and during of the time i fed my teem then diped the Water out of the barrel and taken the barrel off ove (of) the wagon in Order to get the wagon to hall a load of wood, about that time my wife called me to my dinner and at once i responded too the call we then Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of our meal, when through my wife taken care of her diner table whilst i caught curried then geered and hitched my teem too my wagon i then drove down to the woods South west of my place near my rockquary and loaded on the wood that i had cutt for the house then drove back to my yard and unloaded the Same, after getting the wood off of the wagon i then drove round too my water barren loaded it on my wagon then my wife and my Self mounted in the wagon i then drove to Middle Bosque to water my teem and to hall a barrel of water after the teem had drank and had filled the barrel with the water out of the Bosque i then drove for my place of a bode after arriving at my place i taken the geer off of my teem then put Judy in the Stall i then placed the Buggy geer on Walker hitched him too the buggy mounted my Self in the buggy then drove out for Crawford to get Some oil Soda and my mail and by the by i baught Some Pecans i then placed my Self in the buggy and drove for my place of abode after arriving at home i ungeered my teem put him in the Stable then fed him and his mate i then fed the hogs afterwards brought in wood for night and morning . during all that while my wife was engaged , milking of her cows and prepareing the evenings meal, after getting of it Served, we Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same when through with our meal my wife taken care of her Suppertable, and put evry thing in good Shape a gain then come in too her bed room Seated her Self by a good fire then began to read the news papers that our son Ed Costley Sent to us by mail from Waco a Georga paper one from West in the County and a couple from Waco McLennan County Texas. All full of good and bad news. And She did the reading whilst i did the recording of the labors performed on the premises to day and gave the different changes of the weathe(r) of the Same day and date, at or near four Oclock this evening it become very cloudy in the north and west and denoted Signs of a heavey norther and at that time the wind Shifted from the South too the west and become much cooler but before the Sun Sit the wind changed back too the South. and the dark angry clouds passed onward and disappeared in a northerly direction. but yet it Still remained cloudy but not So much as to prevent the Sun from Showing it Self occasionley untill it passed out of Sight, to be Seen no more to day. Now as my wife was compelled to retire too her bed of repose quite earley to nigh on the account of being So wearried from her days labor, and i am about through with my part of the work for to day i will Shortley close the lids of this book and follow Suit of my wife as i feel Some what wearried my Self by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past, and when done with our frail bodys here on earth to hand us down to our grave in peace with the and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night Amen