Dec. 16 -Dec. 21,1900 Dec. 26 -Dec.31, 1900
W.E. Costley. at. home. near. Middle. Bosque

			Saturday December the 8 A D 1900 hundred Opened up very cold but Still 
			as there was but little movement in air. heavey freeze the wind rose 
			this morning from the north west . The thermometer registered at an 
			earley hour this morning at thirty Degrees tempature. I was out of bed
			quite earley this morning clothes on ready for buisiness. after 
			getting on of my clothes i then built on a good warm fire after i got
			that built i then parched Some coffee when through with that part of 
			the work i then made coffee put on bread to - bake broiled our meet 
			(meat) and made Some mush for my wife as her teeth was in Such a fix 
			She could hardley chew any hard Substance after getting of the 
			mornings meal Served we then placed it on a stool and desk then eat
			our meal in front of a warm fire, as it was too cool to eat at the
			table in the dining room.  After we were through with our morning 
			meal we Stacked the dishes untill i could feed my Stock as i had my
			horses tied up. at a late hour last night past they come up out of 
			the bottom field from which i had turned them in on last evening 
			caused by too young men passing through my place and leaving the 
			gates down unshut which also caused John Tubbs cattle to come in 
			my field and Kept me up in the cold untill a late hour in the night 
			just passed. I will here relate a Singular dream or a vision my wife 
			past through on the night. just passed She dreamed as follows. that 
			I,W.E Costley was going to leave her and marry a a nother lady with 
			a living husband and that She could not get any clothes Suitable for
			me to marry in and She endeavered to ramsack Lum Costleys clothing 
			for a Soot (Suit) but nothing could be found all dirty and his pants 
			Stained with blood. and at last with out clothes i Set of in my 
			drawers to marry at any rate.  So at last the lady that i was going 
			to marry made her appearance the Lady that i was going to mary She 
			Said was very sweal they and She Said to her Self well you are very 
			feble and can not work and She can have the work done and that i could 
			remain in doors and have nothing to do. onley take care of my Self. 
			but any rate, we did not marry So it passed off in her mind and when 
			She woke up to find it was not So She was badley bothered in her mind
			and gave her considerable trouble thinking that was Something bad  
			going to happen with in the familey connection So that ended her 
			dream a plum failure  M.V. Costley dream Now i will go on with the 
			Statemen of the weather and labor that has been performed on the 
			premises to day after we was through with our mornings meal i then 
			fed the fattening hogs and my teem from that work i taken a walk 
			over too Mr Procks to let him Know that the Stock was in his field 
			last high past but just before i arrived at his rental place he 
			drove off in the direction of Crawford so i turn my course and 
			walked a cross his farm down in the direction of Middle bosque on 
			to a woods piece of land and found the cattle Still in his inclosure
			i then drove them out. I then walked over to my farm and down to a 
			brach (branch) the division line between E.D.costley and my Self to 
			See a bout my gate after arriving at the place i found my gate wide 
			open caused by too young men passing through my premises on last 
			evening  and leaving the gate down which caused all my trouble on 
			last night past. one of the young men was named Ganblin the other 
			young man i do not Know his name but they were the ladds that caused 
			the trouble. I put the gate up walked back too my house taken my ax 
			then went to work to chopping fire wood for the house i cutt wood on 
			the road from my house too the Railroad crossing in my farm i choped 
			(chopped) wood untill a bout half past teelve (twelve) Oclock from 
			which my wife walked out to where i was chopping to let me know that 
			the noos (noons) meal was Served and readey to be eat, I then left of 
			work come too the house then we eat our noons meal a lone as we 
			generall (generally) are here of late all alone after we were through
			i then diped the water out of the barrel in order to get the wagon 
			to hall up the wood that i chopped in the forenoon of to day after 
			getting the water out of the barrel i geered then hitched my teem 
			too my wagon then drove up too the East gate to my upper field near 
			the Crawford road after a cedar post. after getting of it i then drove
			back to the wood that i had cut then loaded it in the wagon then 
			drove too the house and unloaded the Same in yard clost (closest) too 
			the door to be hand (handy) Should it turn cold. after getting it 
			unloaded i then put the tooles in my wagon then drove too Middle 
			Bosque after a barrel of water and to get some gravell to put in a 
			post hole. as i intended to put in a water gap in the branch below 
			where we cross it in going from my house to Middle Bosque south from 
			my house and with the help of my wife did put the fence a cross the 
			branch out of wire. after finishing of it we hitched the teem to the 
			wagon then drove home. after arriving at the place i ungeered the 
			teem then Salted them during this time my wife milked the cows. I 
			then taken a Sack walked out into the corn field and gathered a Sack 
			of corn to feed the fattening hogs and fowls as i had fed my teem 
			after returning from the cornfield i Shucked and Shelled a lot of 
			corn too the fowls then Shucked corn and fed the fattening hogs. 
			after i was through with that part of the work i taken my teem to 
			E.D.S (E.D.'s) bottom field turned them in to grave (graze) to night 
			i then walked back. to the house put the calves, one in the Stall 
			and the Stable then then fed them i then walked back too the house 
			and brought my wood in doors. So that was all to doo (do) out of 
			doors. I then made a good fire in the fire place i then come in 
			doors and we eat our evenings meal as usual after we were through 
			we put evry thing portaining to the eating department in good order 
			for the present then moved in too our bed room by a nice warm fire 
			my wife is improving very fast She has done her house work cooking 
			milking and has Spend (spent) the greater part of the day quiltin  
			on her quilt besides helping my to fix some fence. now as we are 
			through with our days work we will go too our bed of repose by first 
			asking the lord (Lord) to gard and protect us through the present 
			night as he has through the day just passed and gone, And when done 
			with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace 
			with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer 
			to night - Amen

                                         W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek
			Tuesday December the 11th AD 1900 hundred - Opened up quite a nice 
			morning wind in the East pirfectley Sun very brigh very cold nights. 
			with considerable frost. The thermometer registered at 12- Oclock noon 	
			to day at 51  degrees tempature. my wife and my Self were out of bed quite 
			earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness after i a rose from 
			my bed of Slumber i made on a fire in the fire place then my wife went 
			to work to prepareing of the morning meal whilst i parched Some Coffee 
			for breakfast after getting of it parched my wife taken a part of it 
			ground and made coffee for the mornings meal after getting of it Served 
			and on the table we then portaken of the Same when through with our  meal 
			i then gresed (greesed) my wagon with the help of my wife after getting of
			it greesed i then hitched my teem too my wagon then drove back to the woods 
			after a nother load of wood as i had Ike Bibles cutting wood for me at or 
			near 12-Oclock noon to day we eat our meals vituals being Second meal to 
			day in the after part of the day i had a load of wood and a barrel of water 
			as we were a bout out after halling of the water with the assistance of my 
			wife we fed our Stock and fowls and my wife milked her cows when through 
			feeding i prepared night wood for night and morning for the fire place then 
			brought it in doors to have it hady (handy) Should it turn cold. by that time
			my wife had the evening meal prepared on the table readey for eating we then 
			Seated our Selves to the table. then portaken of the Eavenings (evenings) meal. 
			when we were through my wife washed then put away the dishes used a bout our 
			meal when through She moved intoo her bed room Seated her-Self too the fire 
			as i had a good one and She complained that She was very tiard from her days 
			labor as She has been on her feet all day hard at work. after I had 	
			finished my evenings meal i then moved in to the fire or rather by the fire 
			Seated my Self down at my desk which was clost (close) too the fire then went 
			to work to finish up recording of the labor that was performed by my wife 
			and my Self through out the day and also the weather this has been one more 
			nice day. that has past and gone never to return again it vacancey to be 
			filled by a nother day not Knowing what Kind of a day it will be . well 
			after my wife had rested for a bit Smoothing irons to the fire and ironed 
			a part of the clothing that She washed on yesterday being Monday December 
			the 10-1900 hundred. after we had finished up our work we departed to our 
			bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the 
			present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. and when done 
			with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with 
			the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night- Amen

     				 W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek 
			Wednesday December the 12th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a gloomey wet 
			morning with a rain from the South east cold rain wind from the Same direction 
			The thermometer this morning registered 48  Degrees tempature. my wife and my 
			Self were out of our bed quite earley this morning as we rested quite good last 
			night. after getting out of my bed i then built on a fire then put on my clothes 
			by that time my wife a rose from her bed of Slumber clothed her Self then we 
			went to work to prepare our mornings meal. She baked the bread whilst i Served 
			the coffee also She performed the balance of the work about the prepareing of 
			the mornings meal. whilst i began to record the movement of the day and the 
			condition of the weather. at this writing being earley in the morning it is 
			raining Slow and Sturdey a regular winter rain. after our mornings meal was 
			Served and readey for to eat my wife and my Self as we are Still alone placed 
			it before a good fire then Seated our Selves down a round it then portaken of 
			the Same as it was too damp to dine in the dining room. after we were through 
			with our meal we then placed our our vessels on the table to a wait time for 
			washing and puting of them a way as my wife wanted to finish her quilt and i 
			had to feed before i could do the house work for her. as i had to take the 
			place of cheef (chief) cook and dish washer for the day. after feeding  of
			 the Stock i then churned the milk the next work i did after getting through. 
			my wife taken up the butter whilst i fixed the handle in my ax as the ax 
			continually was coming off of the handle. after getting of it fixed all right 
			i then choped up Some wood to make fires as the fire was a bout giving out 
			after i had choped a good lot of it i braught it in doors then made on a good 
			fire by So doing i got Shut of washing of the dishes for a bout that time 
			12-Oclock i had to feed So my wife Stoped off quilting then washed the dishes 
			and prepared our noons meal. after getting of it Served and on the table  and 
			announced readey to be eat we Seated, our Selves to the table then portaken of 
			the Same. when we were through with our meal. then caught my teem put my Saddle 
			on Walker mounted on him led old Judy and taken them too the Bosque to water 
			after they drank i turned old Judy back into E.D. Costleys Bottom field to graze 
			i then rode over to Crawford to mail a letter and to get my mail and and also 
			to get my wife Some needles to quilt with After getting all that i went after 
			i mounted my horse the(n) rode for my place of a bode. after arriving at the 
			place i dismounted from my horse then looked up Mr Shrines prongs of a pitch 
			for(k) that had come off of the helve (handle) after delivering the Same to 
			him he rode for his place of a bode whilst i walked into my house Seated my 
			Self down by a good fire. and looked over the Waco news Herald for all the 
			news that I could find Not having time to peruse (pursue) all of its pages. on 
			its colums.(columns) but as it was getting late i had to qut (quit) off 
			reading and go to doing up my night Schores.(chores) i then fed my fattening 
			hogs fowls cows and calves then put up my horse in the Stable and fed him i 
			then brought in doors the balance of the wood that i had choped (chopped) So 
			that ended the out days or the work for out of doors for to day. the rain in 
			the fore part of to day was Slow and Sturdy up to 12- Oclock noon from which 
			it checked up for to day. but Still remained very cloudey and damp the wind 
			from the north East all day damp and cool after we were through with our 
			evening meal we then moved in to our bed room by a good fire and went to work 
			a gain my wife to Sewing up a pillow Slip and i recording of the labor that 
			has been performed on the premises to day by my wife and my Self and also a 
			discription of the weather. Now as we are through with our labors for to day 
			we will go to our bed of repose by first asking the lord to gard and protect 
			us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. 
			and when done with our frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our graves in 
			peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer 
			to night-  Amen

    				W.E. Costley. at home. hear. Middle. Bosque. Creek
			Thursday December the 13th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a foggy morning 
			nothing to be Seen in the elements as the fog is So thick damp and Some what 	
			cool wind Still from the north east ground or earth very muddy. The thermometer 
			registers at an earley hour this morning at 40  Degrees even. I was out of bed 
			quite earley this morning clothes on and a fire built in the fire place i then 
			put on coffee to boil about that time my wife a rose 
			from her bed of repose then dressed her person then went to work to prepare the 
			mornings meal, after getting of it Served and on the table we then alone Seated 
			our Selves too the table and portaken of our mornings meal neither one of us 
			feeling overly well. this morning. After we were through with our meal my wife 
			taken care of her breakfast table and put her Kitchen dining room and bed room 
			in good repare to begin on. then went to work to quilting on her quilt whilst 
			i fed my horse as i Kept him in the Stable last night i then fed the milk calves 
			and fattening hogs. Then come in doors Seated my Self in front of a good fire 
			then. taken my ax up and a piece of glass and Scraped my ax helve (handle) down 
			as it was too thick and Stubed to chop well. And after Some litte bit i got it 
			Scraped down too my notion. about that time. the Elements begain to brighten up 
			Some what as if the fog would blow a way and give more light in the Elements the 
			present fog is Simular to a mist of rain. which has benefited the wheat a great 
			deal as the Earth was getting very dry and neaded (needed) rain badley. before it 
			come. at or near 12-Oclock i Saddled my horse rode down in too Ed Costleys botton 
			field caught Old Judy mare then led her too the Bosque and watered then after 
			they had drank i the(n) rode back too my place bring old Judy with me after 
			arriving at home i dismounted from my horse put the Saddle in the hall then geered 
			and hitched my teem too my wagon then as my wife was through Killing a chicken for 
			our noons meal and had put it on to cook her and i mounted in our wagon then drove 
			out to the woods where Ike Bibles was cutting wood for me to burn for a load of wood. 	
			After arriving at the place i dismounted from my  wagon the old Lady Costley held the 
			lines whilst i loaded in the wood in the wagon about the time i finished loading my 	
			wagon Ike Bibles finished the amount of wood that i had hired him to cut which was 
			too (two) cord i then drove for my place Ike coming with us home to get his pay. 
			after arriving at home i then began to unload my wood and Ike Bibles wakled (walked) 
			dow(n) to take a look at my rock quary: after returning back to where i was unloading	
			 of my wagon he pronounced it the finest quary of rock that he ever had Seen in life 
			So i paid him for his labor and he then rowled (? ) out home. after i was through 
			unloading of my wood, i drove a round to my wood yard ungeered 	then fed my teem. I 
			then come in doors washed my hands and face a bout that time my wife called me too our 
			noons meal it was very late in the evening but we wanted to get the wood as we were 
			fearful that it would turn cold and Ketch (catch) us with out wood is how we were 
			So late dining . after we had Eat our noons meal i then walked over to the turkeys
			nest to See if they had layed but they had not i meandered a round in the brush hunting 
			more turkeys nest but did not find any more So i made my way back too the house after 
			arriving at my place my wife put me at work putting a bottom in a chair one of these 
			patent bottom mad(e) out of the bark of lin after i had completed the job i then fed 
			my hogs and fowls from that work i then taken my teem too the Bosque to water after 
			they had drank i turned them back in too Ed Costleys bottom field North Side of midle 
			(Middle) Bosque. I then walked back home then helped my wife Stake the milk calves out 
			at the Straw Strawstack after getting them Secure i then come back too the house and 
			brought my wood in doors for night and morning to have it handy Should it turn cold 
			to night So that ended the out door work for to day. I then Seated down at my desk 
			and finished recording the labor performed by my wife and my Self. during the time 	
			i was at work at my record my wife was very buisey Sewing making her Some pillow cases
			as She has been buisey all day cook(ing) quilting milking and other work a round the 
			premises at a bout three Oclock this evening it blowed off, and become a nice evening 
			Sun coming out and giving a brilliant ligh(t) and before the Sun Sit it become pirfectly 
			clear with the Exception of a dark Streek of cloud extending from the west to the South 
			low down Now as i am Suffering with my bowels to night i will drink Some Soap and then 
			we will go to our bed of rest by first calling on the Lord to gard and protect us through 
			the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. And when done with these 
			frail worned out fraims of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) 
			and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night- Amen

   					 W.E.Costley at home hear Middle Bosque Creek
			Friday December the 14th AD 1900 hundred opened up qute (quite) a foggy damp unpleasant 
			mornin(g) almost equal to a Shower of rain atmosphere very heavey. Wind Stiring from the 
			south. The thermometer registers at an Earley hour today at even 40  Degrees a gain. we 
			were out of our bed of rest quite earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness 
			although each one of us feeling very feble my wife has a tooth wich (which) is giving her 
			great pain and distress as well as a very Sore finger as to my Self i am Suffering with my 
			bowels they are giving me great pain at this writing and have been for some time past. 
			although we went to work and prepared a bite to eat for our mornings meal when we got it 
			Served we placed it before a good fire then eat the Same. after we were through with our 
			meal my wife taken care of her dishes that we eat out of and put them a way and i fed the 
			fattening hogs and also prepared wood and brought it in doors for the day as it resembled 
			rain So much. very dark and dreary up to this writing being near one oclock in the after 
			noon of to day after prepareing of the wood setting of it in doors i then walked down too 
			the turnup patch then gathered a mess of turnups and greens for our dinner after bringing 
			them too the house i assisted my wife in preparing of them to cook after getting of them 
			readey for the cook pot she then  put them on to cook after getting through She remarked 
			that it was a good idier (idea) to move bed and bed Steads occosionly (occasionally) So She 
			whirled in taken one of her bedsteads down in her room then move it in too an adjoining 
			room then brought one out of Same room and put it up in her room to make a change as She 
			is in favor of a change once and a while to find out what She possesses in the furniture 
			buisiness and whilst She was engaged in the matter of moving her trumpry i was at my desk 
			taken down and recording a Sketch of the whole matter in her movement to day. It reminded 
			me of a woman that had a girl that was going to be married and She was making great preperation 
			to bed her when necessary when through She placed our noons meal on the table we then Seated 
			our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same.  After we were through with our meal we 
			then went to work to putting up Some bed steads that my wife had taken down in the move She 
			had made to day after completing the (w)hole arrangements She then appeared to be pirfectly 
			Satisfied with the move that She had made in changing evrything about the rooms. and placing 
			a differet ( different) view upon the (w)hole affair in general, Now as i am through with my 
			wife assisting of her i will walk down to the bottom field water and feed my teem as they have 
			not been watered and fed to day. after i returned from watering and feeding of my teem i then 
			fed the cows calves and fattening hogs then brought in my wood for night and morning. So after 
			my wife had milked that ended the work out of doors. So then She went to work cleaning up her
			Kitchen and washing and putting a way her dishes by that time we eat a cold Snack for our 
			evening meal. when through we then taken our rest by a good fire for Some too (two) hours be 
			fore retireing too our beds to rest my wife has been very buisey all day long and is Some what 
			tiard. and So am i This has been a dark gloomey day all the way through as the Sun has not Shone
			it Self to day as it has been So cloudy and just in the act of rain at all hours through the day 
			long now after my wife had taken a rest for the first times to day She has to bake her light 
			bread before going to bed as it has just rose and has to be baked and at a bout Eleven Oclock 
			in the fore part of to night we departed to our bed of repose by firt (first) asking the Lord 
			to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. 
			And when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the 
			(Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night. -Amen
     				W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek
			Saturday. December. the 15th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a glomey ( gloomey) dark cloudey 
			morning looking very much like rain Some what of a mist to be Seen at a distance wind from the 
			South East Earley in the morning very damp over head and under foot we were out of bed quite 
			earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness. after building on of a fire in the fire 
			place my wife then a rose from her bed of Slumber dressed her person then went to work to 
			prepare our mornings meal i made the coffee and She did the balance in prepareing our mornings 
			meal after getting of it Served and on the table we alone as we are in the habit of doing. 
			Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same. The thermometer at an earley hour 
			this morning registered 42  Degrees tempature. after we had portaken of the morning meal. my 
			wife taken up the ashes out of the fire place as the(y) had become in Such a boolk (bulk?) it 
			was impossible to have a good fire on then went to looking after her breakfast table washing 
			and puting a way her dishes. that was used at our breakfast table and to put her house in order 
			for the day. whilst i did the feeding of the Stock and other work around the premises that had 
			to be done. i then (walked) to a couple of turkey nest to See if the turkeys had layed after 
			arriving at the nest i found they had not layed So come back too the house taken my bidal and 
			rope walked down to E.D.Costleys bottom field caught and brought my teem too the house then fed 
			them whilst eating i curried the mud off of them then put the geer on them. when through Eating 
			i then hitched them too my wagon i then drove out too the Straw Stack to get Some Straw to put 
			in the wagon to lay Some Sacks of wheat as the bottom of the wagon bed was wet i then drove back 
			too the house a round at the north door of my Side room then loaded on a couple of Sacks of wheat
			 to take to mill at Crawford after getting of them loaded i drove round to the front of my house 
			then put the coop in the wagon whilst my wife caught a couple of turkey to Send to town one for 
			Mrs. Elic (Alex) Armstrong the other for Professor Ellis the gentleman that is teaching the
			public School at Crawford So when everthing was made readey to Start to Crawford i mounted in my 
			wagon then drove out for  Crawford going too the flower mill first in order to get my wheat too 
			the mill after getting of it unloaded i then drove for William Tadlock Store after arriving at 
			the place i unhitched my teem and tied them. then walked too the Postoffice and obtained my 
			mail then delivered the turkeys to Mrs. Alex. Armstrong and Professor Ellis and as i had drove 
			to Crawford to Snee (see ?) Virginia Frownfelter on the train it being too (two) hours late i
			had to wait the traines arrival and when it did come i Soon found out that Virginia. Frownfelter 
			was not on the train Baby Sick and could not come. as She was coming on a viset (visit) to 
			Spend Christmas with the old folks at home. So i hitched my teem too my wagon then drove for my 
			place of a bode after arriving at home i ungeered then fed my teem then come in doors then Eat 
			my noons meal as my wife had it Served readey although very late as She was expecting her 
			Daughter and familey to dine with us to day as She had put the little pot in the big one to 
			have Something Some what fresh. So She was very much disappointed in her expectations. after 
			we were through with our meal She went a head then put evry thing a bout her eating department 
			in good order a gain then milked and fed her cows whilst i taked a good Smoke then walked out 
			too the cornfield and gathered a Sack of corn to feed my wifes fowls and also to feed the 
			fattening hogs. after getting of it gathered. i then fed them i then taken my teem too the 
			bottom field and turned them in again to graze I walked too my place then Staked the milk 
			calves out on the Straw Stack to feed on it to night. My wife is complaining of her back 
			hearting (hurting) of her to night. to my opinion She has lifted Something that She aught not
			to have done to bring it on as She is not very Strong in the back any way. This has been one 
			of the days that you read of it has been a full match for yestarday as it has been very dark 
			and cloudey and besides all that has been misting of rain often and on through out the day. 
			and Still remains so to night up to ten oclock when i departed to my bed of repose. My wife 
			went to her bed of Slumber quite earley to night on the account of not being well Now as our 
			days work is done i will go to my bed of rest by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us 
			through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. and when done with 
			our frail bodys here on earth to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all 
			man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night - Amen -

                             W.E. Costley. at home near Middle Bosque Creek
		Wednesday December the 26th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a nice morning wind from the South. but 
		clear. The entire familey that was with us to day were as well as common all up earley for buisiness 
		this morning after the woman folks arose from there bed of repose clothes on they then to work to prepare
		the mornings meal after getting of it Served and on the table we then Seated our Selves to the table then 
		portaken of our morning meal when through with the meal i brought my teem down from the upper field then 
		fed them after they were through Eating i then geered and hitched them too my wagon then my wife and 
		Virginia Frownfelter and Annie Edna and Loueasey Leng and my Self mounted in the wagon i then drove over 
		to Crawford to have Loueasey and George William Frownfelter likeness taken after they were through we all 
		mounted in too my wagon then drove for my place of abode after arriving at my place we all dismounted from 
		my wagon then ungeered my teem put then up in the Stable and Stall then fed them. the ffamiley or women 
		folks then prepared the noons meal being rather late in the after noon. after the noons meal was Served 
		and eat by the familey Lum and J.M. Costley geered Walker hitched him too the buggy then Jim and Lum 
		mounted in the buggy then drove up to Dock Coffmans to a Shindig and Stayed all night at the dance and 
		returned the next day at about half past one Oclock P.M. of the after noon of to day. after we were 
		through with our noons meal it being quite late we went to work to do up our night Schores and after
		we were through and the dawn of night appeared we Submitted our Selves to the will of the higher power 
		asking him (Him)to gard and protect us in the future as he has in the past and when done with these 
		frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in 
		heaven Save us is my prayer tonight. Amen

                         W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek
		Thursday December the 27th A D 1900 hundred Opened up some what cloudey. but not as much So as to Keep the 
		Sun from Shining out nice and clear the entire day untill a late in the evening from which it become Some 
		what cloundey (cloudy) and the Sun Sit behind a cloud as though there would be a bad Spell of weather and 
		that in a Short while at about Seven Oclock this morning the thermometer registered at 48  Degrees tempature 
		but after the norther blew up it began to fall rapedly late in the evening The familey with the exception of
		my Self was out of bed quite earley this morning , clothes on readey for buisiness. they then prepared the 
		mornings meal when Served and on the table i a rose from my bed of Slumber clothed my Self washed my hands 
		and face then we all Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the mornings meal, when through the 
		woman folks taken care of the breakfast table then put the Dining room in good order for the present. then 
		moved in too the bed room, then Willey Frownfelter taken a Severe Spell of coffing . and continued for ever 
		So long before he become quiet and at ease or could rest with out coffing (coughing). My wife churned the 
		milk after She . was through, with her night work. as to my Self i went to work to recording of the of the 
		labors of the day. at or near three Oclock this evening Lum returned from his night and day stay a way from 
		home after he returned home and taken the buggy geer off of Walker i then put the wagon geer on Walker and 
		Judy hitched them to the wagon then drove them too the Bosque to hall a barrel of water after getting of 
		the barrel filled with water i then drove back to my place unhitched my teem from my wagon then fed them 
		during of the time they were eating i diped the water out of the barrel in order to get the wagon to hall 
		Some wood after the horses was through eating i then hitched them too the the wagon then James Costley and 
		i halled a load of wood from the branch above the well that Lum had cut for me whilst i were halling of 
		the water, after getting of the wood loaded on the wagon i then drove for the house after we had arrived at 
		the place we unloaded the wood then Jame. M. Costley assisted my wife in feeding of her cows whilst i 
		finished recording of the days work for to day of my wife and my Self and Grand Children now as the days 
		work is done we will depart to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the 
		future as he has in the past, and when done with our frail bodys here on earth to hand us down to our 
		grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night-Amen

                    W.E.Costley at home hear Middle Bosque creek 
		Friday December the 28th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a disagreeable day very cold high north wind 
		resembles Sleet or Snow. The thermometer Registers at an earley hour this morning at 40  Degrees tempature.
		The familey was out of bed quite earley this morning clothes on readey for buisiness the woman folks 
		prepared the morning meal. after getting of it Served and on the table they then with there guest Jame 
		Costley and one of Louis Billman Seated there Selves too the table then portaken of the mornings meal, 
		as too my Self i eat my mornings meal by the desk and by a good warm fire when we were through with the 
		meal the children washed then put a way the dishes cupps and Saucers Knives and forks then put the Kitchen 
		and dining room in good Shape for the present then went to work and put the bed rooms in good Shape for 
		the day. Then Annie Edney Loueasey and Maud Billman prepared them a good fire then went to work to enjoying 
		of them Selves at there usual Sport of a musment that children are given too. The old Folks went to there 
		usual work of the Such as Sewing and patching garments for the use and benefit of the familey. James Costley
		after he had portaken of his mornings meal walked down to Mr Louis Billman to See his boys and pass off the 
		day. in a musements of the Christmas holidays. Lum has not returned from the party that he went too on last 
		night near old Crawford at a mans house by the name of Talor but as it turned out they failed in there 
		expectation as it was given at a man by the name of Smith in the town of Crawford. and at 25 minutes past 
		12-Oclock to day Lum Costley returned from the dance wanting Sleep badley but after taken a Short rest i got
		him to walk up too my upper field and bring my teem down too the house. as i was not feeling the best in the 
		world as my bowels was giving me much trouble. after Lum Costley returned from the feel (field) with my teem 
		i put them one in the Stall the other in the Stable then fed them Some Shief oats when through eating i then
		caught and led them to middle Bosque to water Stoping at the branch on the way and Setting fire too a brush 
		heep in the branch and burning of it up in order to Keep it from washing down on the wire fence that i had 
		built a cross the branch, after it was a bout burnt up i then led my teem too the lot put them up then fed 
		them, i then come indoors renewed the fire in fire place then Seated my Self down by the fire and taken a 
		good warm as my feet had become very cold, after i become warm i then began to record the labors of the day 
		and the labor that has been performed by my familey and my Self. Virginia Frownfelter and my wife has been 
		very buisey the entire day making a new frock of a late fashion of the day with the Exception of what time 
		they were engaged in preparing the meals vituals for the day. She also milked her cows and had them fed by 
		Lum and Virginia her Daughter and Son, I did the feeding of my teem hogs and fowls. and prepareing of the 
		wood for night and morning and brought it in doors. to be dry as it has been Showering of rain, and is yet 
		through out the evening and Still continues to mist with Something Simular to frozen rain, and continually 
		turning colder evry hour as the day passed off or away, now the woman folks has prepared the Evening meal 
		and the familey has all dined we now enjoy the Sitting by a good fire for Some too (two) hours or more then 
		all depared ( departed) too there bed of repose by first asking the lord (Lord) to gard and protect us all 
		in the future as he has in the past , and when done with us hear (here) on Earth to hand us down to our 
		grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind, and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night- Amen

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copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr

copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr