Sunday the Lords day which we are commanded to neither work no (nor) play for it is gods holey day December the 2 th AD 1900 hundred opened up quite a cool morning clear and bright with the exception of a low cloud in the south east. wind rather from the South very cool and damp under foot coused from a heavey dew that fell on the night just passed. The thermometer registers at and earley hour to day at even 40 Degrees tempature. my wife and my Self were out of bed rather late this morning as we were all a lone and being the Sabbath day of our lord AD 1900 hundred although after So long a time we arose from our bed of Slumber put on our clothes then went to work to prepare the mornings meal . after getting of it Served and on the table we then portaken of the same when we were through with our meal my wife taken care of her breakfast table and put evry thing a bout her Kitchen in good order a gain whilst i fed the fattening hogs and done other Shores (chores) a round the place. Then my wife Set our Sleeping department in good repare for the day. when i was through i then wote (wrote) a letter to Virginia Frownfelter at Joshua Johnson County Texas. at or near one Oclock we portaken of our noons meal after we were through i then with the help of my wife walked out to the cornfield and gathered Some corn to feed the teem and hogs on i then then taken the feed down to the bottom field watered then fed my teem; after i was through i walked back too my house then taken a rest as i was Some what worried from my walk after a bit Lum Costley come over from Maddoxes to See how we were getting a long he remained with us Some too hours then departed for Maddoxes where he is now living during the time he was here. he cut up Some wood to burn about the time he was leaving Mr and Mrs Finne come to See us and remained for Some bit then departed to there place of a bode after they had left my wife and my Self taken care of the milk calves and fed them and the hogs and cows So that ended the out door work, my wife prepared a Snack for us to eat after being Served we then portaken of the Same. when through and the table cared for we then taken our rest again before going to bed. at or near nightfall it become very cloudey and the wind changed to the South west and blew very Strong and also in a very Short while become very cool. now as it is time to retire to our bed or repose we ask the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day just past and gone And when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night. Amen W.E. Costley at home near middle Bosque Creek Monday December the 3dh AD 1900 hundred Opened up a blustry morning wind from the north west brisk and cool Some what cloudey appearance of Severe weather. Thermometer registers at an earley hour this morning at even 40 Degrees tempature. My wife and my Self were out of bed quite late this morning as it was Some what cool and we were too old to get up in the cold but eventually we a rose from our bed of Slumber put on our clothes then went to work to prepare our mornings meal when Served we then Seated our Selves too the fire and portaken of the mornings meal as it was Some what too cool to go to the table when we were through with our meal i then fed the milk calves then. fed our fattering hogs i then come in doors washed then put a way the dishes that was used at our morning meal then put the house in good order for the time being . as my wife wanted to quilt on her quilt that She put up on thanksgiving day and at this writing She Shurley is plowing the furrows in too her quilt with (t)he needle and thread if it is cold and blustry whilst i am here marking down time as it passes a way never to return again. As the day passes a way it appears as the wind grows Stronger from Same direction. at or near half past Eleven Oclock i walked down to the turnup patch then gathered a mess of turnups and greens brought them too the house then prepared them for the cook pot. after getting them readey my wife Stoped off quilting then put them onto cook then Kept on untill She prepared the meal after it was Served and on the table we then Seated our Selves too the table and just Such dinner we did Eat having turnups and tur(n)up greens boiled with the best of bacon and good potliquar. for our meal besides the best of butter and butter milk and coffee and the finest of corn bread equal to a wedding Supper after we were through with our meal my wife and my self taken Some corne to the bottom field then watered an fed the teem then returned back to (t)he house then milked the cows washed and dried the dishes then prepared night wood for night and morning afterwards i gathered corn out of the field then fed the fattening hogs i then brought the wood indoors. So that ended the out door work after feeding the calves and cows we then eat our evening meal. after the meal was over with and the vesels that we eat out ove (of) was put a way we then enjoyed Sitting by a warm fire for ever So lond (long) after becoming Sleepy and tiard we departed to our bed of repose by first asking the lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone. and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night - Amen W.E.Costley. at.home.near.middle.Bosque Tuesday December the 4th AD 1900-hundred opened up quite a cold morning very calm wind not Sturing but when it Sprung up it was from the N.W. heavey freeze also heavey frost. my wife and my Self were quite late in arising from our bed of Slumber on the account of the cold weather and my wife not being very well but after So long a while we a rose from our bed of rest put on our clothing then went to work as usual to prepare our mornings meal after getting of it Served we then eat the Same by our fire Side as it was too cold for the old people to eat a way from the fire after we was through with our meal we then put a way our dishes and in a Short while they were washed and put a way in good order then we fed the Stock that was up Such as the hogs calves and cows the next on hand to do was to unload the wagon of Seed that is cotton Seed after getting the dishes washed and put away and the house swept up and put in order for the day. my wife went to work to prepare the noon meal, whilst i walked down to EDCostleys field and brought up my teem then put the geer on him or them at least by that time my wife had the noons meal Served and on the table we then Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same when through with our meal. i then hitched my teem too the wagon. my wife and my Self mounted in the wagon then drove for Crawford to get Something in the Shape of a box to put Some oats in but failed and had to by Some barrels. After getting of what we went after we then mounted in our wagon then drove for our place of a bode after arriving at home. i ungeered and fed my teem. then gathered Some corne out of the field and fed the fatening hogs and the fowls. by that time Mr Prock come over to let my Know that he had declined (against) the edier (idea) of planting any more wheat. and would not take what he had borgained to take from me So i paid him for what cotton that his children had picked for me this fall and he departed for his place of a bode. my wife and my Self Staked the calves out to grass. So that ended our out doors work as i had Supplied the house with wood through the day we then come in doors and then prepared our evenings meal, after getting of it Served and on the table we Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same. when through and the Suppertable cared far we then moved in to our bed room by a good fire and enjoyed the Same for a bout too hours then departed to our bed of Slumber by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone, and when done with these frail bodys of ours, to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my Prayer to night-Amen W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek Wednesdy December the 5th A D 1900 hundred Opened up quite a cool morning with considerable frost pirfectly clear wind Sturing very hardley Strong enough to tell which direction it is from but eventually it Showed to be from the South. The thermometer registers at this writing being nine Oclock A m. of Said day at 44 degrees tempature with a prospect of a nice day. my wife and my Self were out of bed quite late this morning on the account of being Some what cool and my wife being Sick with a bad cold and fever through the night but at last i a rose from my bed of Slumber put my clothes on then went to work to prepare the mornings meal after getting to work i Soon had the meal cook and placed before the fire to be eaten by than my wife had a rose from her bed of Slumber dressed her Slef (Self) then we eat our meal in front of a good fire. as it was too cool for the old folks to eat a way from the fire. after getting through with our meal i then put on water to wash the dishes and while heating i fed the fatening (fattening) hogs after i was through i gathered Some corn for the fowls from that part of the work i come in doors washed and put a way the dish then put the house in good fix to begin on when through i Seated my Self down by my desk and taken a minute of what had been done this far up in the day. After my wife had drank Some caffee and eat a few bites she had to take her bed again as She become Sick at the Stomache and could not Sit up I then taken a round out in the bushes and brush looking for hens nest but could not find a one i then come back in the house and Shelled a lot of corn for the fowls. to eat to day. as i feed them once on corn and once of wheat. and then They appeared to be Starved to death.. the wind appears to be getting some Stronger at a bout noon to day. and the Sun Shines very bright pirfectly clear. and is turning some what warmer as the day passes a way by the hole a nice day Something Simular to Spring of the year orn planting time. fine weather on wheat. at about too Oclock i put on turnup greens to cook after getting of them on i walked down to E D Costleys bottom field caught then watered my teem. After they drank i brought them to my house a(nd) then pup ( put) the geer on them hitched them to my wagon put the barrel in the wagon mounted my Self in the wagon then drove too the Middle Bosque after a barrel of water after filling of the barrel with water i then drove back to my place ungeered my teem then gave them a bundle of Sheaf Oats i then come in doors then eat my noons meal as the turnup greens were cooked and my wife through her febleness had baked a hol (whole) cake of bread saving me of the trouble So we Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same. when through we Stacked the dishes untill later on as it was getting Some what late in the evening So we then milked the cows after we were through i then fed them and the next work to do was to take my teem to E.D. Costleys bottom field and turned them in to graze to night after i returned to the house i then prepared wood for night and morning then brought it in doors So that ended the out door labor for to day, as my wife had put the milk calves in the Stall and Stable and fed them I then come in doors and taken a warm as it had clouded up and the wind had changed too the north and had become Some what cooler than it had been all day. after getting my feet warm i then taken a Seat at my desk and finished recording the events of to days labor. my wife is quite poorley to night although She has been up part of to day. She had to retire to her bed quite earley this evening a She felt as though She was going to have a chill as She had been Stiring a round too much in the raw wind this evening . not being very well. Now as i am through with with all our labor to day we will depart to our bed of rest by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present nigh as he has through the day just passed and gone and when done with our frail bodys to hand us down to our grave in peace and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night - Amen W.E. Costley. at. home. near Middle bosque creek Thursday December the 6th A D 1900 hundred Opened up quite a nice "'' Morning wind from the The thermometer register at a bout nine Oclock in the forenoon of to day at 50 Degrees tempature. my wife and my Self we were out of our out of our bed of repose quite late this morning as neither one of us were well out at last .i Sumed up courage enough to arise from my bed of rest and put on my clothes. After getting clothed i then went to work to prepare the mornings meal. as my wife was not able to do the cooking Sick but not confined to the bed all the while. So at last i made the trip in Serving the meal after getting of it Served and on the table we then taken our Seats to the table then eat our morning meal but my wife was too feble to eat. much but i made out a hearty meal on turnup greens bacon bred butter and good Strong coffee after i were through with my mornings meal i then Stacked up my dishes then fed the fattening hogs i then come back in doors put the dishwater on to heat to wash the dishes after it had warned up i then went went to work to cleaning up the Kitchen and putting evry (thing) in good order for the next meal i then proceeded to chop up Some fire place wood for to day and night and morning as i will be too much crouded to wait later on as i have no one to help me and i am quite feble all the while but gradually growing Some better at or near one Oclock to day i taken a Sack. walked out in too my cornfield and gathered Some corn to feed my teem hogs and fowls. Afterwards i prepared our noons meal after getting of it readey and on the table my wife and my wife (Self) Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of our noons meal when through i taken care of the table and arrayed (arranged) evry thing all all right i then Shucked corne for my teem and taken it to E.D.Costleys botton. field and watered and fed my teem then rode over to Crawford for a bottle of chill Tonic. After i had purchased the tonic and . and received my mail. i then rode back home unSaddled my horse. then fed the cows some cotton Seed and oat Straw I then fed the fattening hogs afterward i Shuched then taken the corn that i had Shucked down to E.D. Costleys botton field then fed my teem walked back to my house and Staked the milk calves out to grass. then brought the wood in doors for night and morning So as it is late that Ended the work out doors. So i come in doors then prepared a good fire. by that time. my wife had our evenings meal Served on the table readey for to be eat we then alone Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of our evenings meal. After we were through with our meal i taken care of the Supper table as my wife was yet feble af (after) i was through i then moved into our bed room Seated my Self down at my desk then finished recording the labors of the day my wife is a great deal better in her Sickness then She was on last night at this time. She is able to read the news to night which She is doing at this writing as i brought Some waco papers home with me this evening from Crawford. this day ended very nicely as it was very clear and bright. and the Sun Sit with out a Shadow of a cloud to prevent the Sight of it passing out of Sight. Now as we are done with the toiles of the day we will depart to our bed of repose by first calling on the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night, as he has through the day just passed and gone, And when done with these frail body of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer To night Amen- W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek Friday December the 7th AD 1900 hundred Opened up with quite a brisk norther some what cloudy but So much So as to Keep the Sun from Shining out nicely. The thermometer this morning is registered 48 Degrees Tempature. Well as and old Saying and has been for some time back as the Old folks are old and Some what feble besides we were out of bed quite late again this morning but after a rising from our bed of Slumber we dressed our Selves then went to work to prepare our morsel of food for our mornings meal. after getting of it readey we Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same when through with our meal i Stacked up the dishes untill i could feed the fattening hogs and to do Some other work a round the place be fore i could wash the dishes and put evry thing in good order for the day, my wife as she was Some what puney She remained by the fire and pieced on her quilt. i Shuffled a round the best i could and got up a little wood as i was out then cleaned up the dishes and put the Kitchen and Sleeping department in order for the balance of the day, as i have to be Cheef (chief) cook and bottle washer for the present time to come now as the Aday is passing a way rapedley i have to hurry up I have gathered too Sackes of corne to feed on to day and also watered and brought my teem from the bottom field and fed them I then come in doors taken my Seat by my desk. and also taken the advantage of the times during the time of my wife preparing our noons meal and made a Statement of what had been up to too Oclock to day by that time my wife had the noons meal Served on the table readey for to be eat So we Seated our Selves to the table all a lone then portaken of the noons meal. after we were through i Stacked the dishes a way untill i could drag up Some wood as i was with out. after we was through with the meal i then geered my horse taken him down too the well hitched him too a lot of poles then made him drag them too the house for wood after getting them too the house i ungeered my horse tied him up then cut the powles (poles) into fire length and brought the wood in doors from that part of the work i brought the milk calves in for my wife So She could milk her cows. afterwards i Shelled fifteen years (ears) of corn then gave it too the fowls, from that part of the work i then walked out to the hay Stack and filled 2 oat Sack with the Straw then gave it too the Cows, then brought the calves in too the Stalls and fed them then the next work to do was to fasten up the chickens which ended the out door work for to day, I then returned in doors and eat my evenings meal as my wife in her febleness had prepared the Same After it was Served and readey for to be eat we then eat the Same in front of a good fire when though we Stacked what few dishes we had used a way till morning as there were not enough to fool a way time to heat water to wash them, So that ended the eating part for to day we then enjoyed Sitting by a good fire for Some too hours talking over our past Sorrows and joys in our past life. the Sun Sit be hind a very red looking cloud this evening. denoting bad weather and at the wind up of to day it become very cloudey and much cooler than it was in the fore part of the day. about the time we were in a good way talking John Tubbs cattle come up too my house through my field So i had to take my lamp and dog and run them out they crossed over in too procks field that he had rented from John Tubbs. now as the days work is done and we are Some what sleepy we will go too our bed of rest by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night-Amen