continuation of the 1884 GATESVILLE SUN

Keeps for sale at the lowest The cruel mob, I now address--- prices; The mob, which caused so much distress--- With hardened heart and sinful hand STATIONERY, BOOKS You hung an innocent young man. MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS You went upon him in disguise, TOYS, ETC. and took the young man by surprise; ink, paper, pens, pen holders, With stealthy steps, at midnight's hour, toilet articles, etc. etc. You went to prove your fatal power! EAST STREET GATESVILLE, TEXAS Twas murder in the first degree--- I have been appointed Notary Public The crime, how much worse could it be? and will transfer all notary business I think you have a heart of stone, intrusted to me. And, as for conscience, you have none. ______________________________________ I hope the young man is at rest, SCHENK'S ADJUSTABLE Where there's no sorrow, pain, nor death; STOVE REPAIRS I hope that he is praising God, Any housekeeper in the land can Beyond the reach of any mob. repair the cook stove --put in new fire backs, new grates and new Lord, soothe his mother's broken heart, linings by using Schenk's Adjustable With healing balm to every part. Stove Repairs. Sold by all hardware Her son died on the cross, it's true and stove dealers. Send for circulars. And Christ, the savior died there too. Manufactured only by Schenk's Adjustable Fire Back Co. O, do you think it is unknown, 52 Dearborn Street Chicago. Who hung the widow Dearing's son! _________________________________________ But a witness was in sight--- Your crimes will soon be brought to light! J. R. SAUNDERS Before the court you soon will come O P E R A H O U S E To answer for the crimes you've done. Gatesville, Texas You need no one your cause to plead. P. C. West, Manager For justice will take place with speed. Seating capacity Five Hundred. New scenery and everything complete. The witness and the judge are one; ________________________________________ He knows the crimes that you've done. O, then, for mercy cry--- $66 a week at home. $5,00 outfit "Too late!" will be the sad reply free. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader Your fruitless cries will be in vain, if you want business at which persons of For you the innocent have slain, either sex, young or old can make great You hung the widow's only son pay all of the time they work, with absolute And left her evermore undone. certainty, write for particulars to H. Hallett & Company., Portland Maine. Before the judge you will appear, _________________________________________ And hear your awful sentence there: Depart, depart, ye murderers. CHOATE'S LIVERY STABLE! Into the flames of keen despair. South side of the Public Square..........Gatesville, Texas BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY! You then may wail and gnash your teeth; _________________________________________ Your awful doom will be complete, And while eternal ages roll, Y. S. JENKINS, There's no redemption for your soul! MANUFACTURING CHEMIST. __________________________________________ HEADQUARTERS FOR PAINTS AND OILS ____________________________________ ATTENTION SHEEP MEN: JENKINS Golden Eye Water. New Zealand sheep dip is the best, JENKINS' May Apple Bitters. and costs only one cent a head to dip. JENKINS' Leon Cough Syru p. For sale only by C. T. Reynolds, the JENKINS' Iron Tonic Bitters. live druggest. JENKINS' Lightning Pain Killer __________________________________________ JENKINS' DEADSHOT TO Scills & Fever Dr. O. Fisher's Great Vitalizer. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure _________________________________________________ will give immediate relief. Price JENKINS' PERUVIAN AGURE CURE IS WARRANTED. 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Y. S. _________________________________________________ Jenkins, wholesale and retail agent. These are standard remedies, and many of them have been for years tested in this county in hundreds of A MONUMENT TO TEXAS HEROES cases. The purest and best drugs kept constantly on hand. Many things sold at wholesale, and at Waco or The Austin capital describes the Galveston Prices. monument, sculptured in that city, to the EAST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE GATESVILLE, TEXAS memory of that heroic band from Fayette _________________________________________________ county massacred by the Mexicans at the Salado in 1842, and the Mier prisoners G I L D E R ' S who were shot in Mexico. The monument is 18 feet high, of limestone, and the N E W D R U G s T O R E die and shaft of solid marble. The marble base has the appropriate emblem of crossed EAST SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE swords with the word "Texas" immediately above. The side of the die facing west GATESVILLE..........................TEXAS bears the beautiful inscription "Erected by the state of Texas, to the memory of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, her defenders, Captain N. H. Dawson and his command, who fell at the battle of PERFUMERY, ETC. Salado, Texas September 18, 1842." On _____________________________________________________ the reverse side is inscribed in bold letters, "Dawson's men." On the side F A R M E R ' S H E A D Q U A R T E R S! facing the north is: "To the memory of the men who drew the black bean and were shot at Salado, Texas March 24, 1843." The The latest improved farming implements, embracing reverse or south side of the die bears the in part the celebrated WEIR, JOHN DEERE, AND GARDEN words "Mier Prisoners." The shaft bears CITY CLIPPER PLOWS, CULTIVATORS AND PLANTERS. the emblem of mourning to the dead heros-- flags at half mast, crossing each other Their superior work and universal satisfaction to with the lone star of Texas as a crown. purchasers prove them to be in every respect without The top of the shaft is ornamented with a an equal. cap and urn. ___________________________________________ AGENT FOR THE WORLD RENOWNED OSBORNE SELF-BINDER THE BOOTBLACK'S DOG FISH BROTHERS AND TURNBULL WAGONS An English officer, who had occasion, when ___________________________________________________ in Paris, to pass one of the bridges across the Seine, had his boots which had been BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT ! previously well polished, dirtied by a poodle Horseshoing and repairing, specialties dog rubbing against them. He, in consequence, All kinds of Blacksmithing and Wood Work Material went to a man stationed on the bridge and had on hand at Waco prices. them cleaned. The same circumstance having ___________________________________________________ happened more than once, his curiosity was excited, and he watched the dog. He saw him U N D E R T A K E R. roll himself in the mud of the river, and then watch for a person with well polished boots, READY MADE COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ALWAYS KEPT against which he contrived to rub himself. ON HAND. Finding that the boot black was the owner of the dog, he taxed him with the artifice, and H. SASSE after a little hesitation he confessed that he Northeast corner of the public square...Gatesville had taught the dog the trick in order to procure ____________________________________________ customers for himself. The officer being struck D R A N E, J O H N S O N & D R A N E, with the dog's sagacity, purchased him at a high CORSICANA, TEXAS price and carried him to England. He kept him Carry in stock for immediate delivery tied up for some time and then released him. The engines, boilers, State Agents for dog stayed with him a day or two, and then made gins, cotton presses, ATLAS ENGINES, his escape. A couple of weeks afterward he was scales, mills, Gullett's improved found with his former master, pursuing his old pumps, pipe, fittings, MAGNOLIA GINS trade on the bridge.-----The eye. "The Gandy Premium Belt" Nordyke & Marmon ________________________________________________ shafting, pulleys, MILLS Gin and Mill supplies G Burr & Roller An old minister in Ohio seemed rather opposed COLEMAN to an educated ministry. Said he "Why, my breath- GINNING, SAW-MILLING AND FLOURING ering, every young man who is going to preach OUTFITS FURNISHED thinks he must be off to some college to study a Complete under one contract and Results lot of Greek and Latin. All Nonsense! All wrong. GUARANTEED What did Peter and Paul know about Greek? Why not For anything in the machinery or implement line one word my brethering. No, Peter and Paul preached Call on or address DRANE, JOHNSON, AND DRANE in the plain Old English, and so'll I----Cleveland CORSICANA, TEXAS _______________________________________________ Plaindealer. ________________________________________________ subscribe for The work of building the Mormon Temple at Salt Lake THE GATESVILLE SUN City, was begun twenty-eight years ago, and only the main walls are not finished. It is built of granite It is devoted to the best interests of Coryell which is hauled from the neighboring mountains on County, and will aid to the best of its ability trucks with wheels twelve feet high. It has thus far the development of the Whole County , and with- cost $4,500,000 which has been collected by the out Partiality to any Section. tithing tax, and it will require six years more to ________________________________ complete the work. ________________________________________________ Has more reading matter each week than any all home print country newspaper published in "I wish I had eyes in the back of my head," said the state. a young lady the other evening. "Why", asked a IT WILL GIVE YOU ALL OF THE LOCAL devoted admirer breathlessly. "So that I could see NEWS ATTAINABLE. what was going on without turning my head." ONLY $2.00 A YEAR! "You can turn my head without any trouble", YOU CAN'T DO WITHOUT THE SUN! responded the youth with a gloomy sigh. ____________________ ___________________________________________________

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