Continuing 1884 Gatesville Sun
ESTRAY NOTICES OSAGE INKLINGS Taken up by W.A.McBeth and estrayed by ___________ W.B.Hedgpeth, JP precinct No.1 one brown Until recently this section of mare mule, no brand, 8 years old, 14 hands Coryell county has had very little high, saddle and harness marked and shod in business relation with Gatesville, front. Appraised at $60. further than the usual transaction Taken up by A.J. Williamson and estrayed of the usual business as necessarily before W.B.Hedgpeth, JP precinct No.1 one carry the people of a county to a bay pony horse, about 12 or 14 years old county seat. This is due probably branded JW with a bar through it on left to condition of the roads between shoulder, 14 hands high, saddle and harness this place and Gatesville. This marked , feet all white, scar on hind leg obstacle, we are proud to say, has back part. Appraised at $25. partially been overcome, and the Taken up by M. A. Clark, one dark bay people of Gatesville, by liberal mare, has a sucking colt, mare branded on inducements (which we believe they left shoulder WC with bar under, 14 hands will offer) may expect a more liberal high about five years old. One brown horse patronage from this part of the 12 or 13 years old, 14 hands high branded county, which cannot be excelled in cross and RM on right shoulder, saddle the state in the production of all marked. Appraised at $75. that go to make up the real wealth of Taken up by John Williamson, one brown a country. speckled cow branded and counter branded on Harvesting is progressing rapidly though left hip with heart, marken under bit in some grain is being cut with the cradle, each ear with crop off the right. Steer the ground being too wet to run a four years old, marked same, not branded. harvester, though they are quite plenti- One heifer, one year old, marked same and full in this section. not branded. One steer 5 years old swallow Messrs. Dock Oliver and Nealy will try fork in each ear. One muley cow, four years their new steam thresher as soon as the old, marked crop off right ear has yearling people are ready. Also Riley and Brittain calf. No brand. Appraised at $100. who have just brought a new one home. Taken up by J.H.Conner and estrayed Excessive rains damaged our corn and before W.B.Hedgpeth JP Precinct No.1 one cotton. Much of the cotton planted fails bay horse, 14 hands high, nine years old, to put in an appearance, and the ground saddle marked. Branded B O D on left is too wet to replant. shoulder. One brown horse 14 hands high, Squire Riddle has had quite an interesting 9 years old, saddle marked, blind in left suit in his court, it being a trial for the right of property. The parties are eye, three white feet, branded 3 with bar Jake Plumb and Grant Miracle, and the beneath on left shoulder. Appraised at $70. property being one black dog, claimed by Taken up by A.B.Baggett and estrayed Mr. Plumb to be the best "squirl dog" in before W.B.Hedgpeth JP Precinct No.1, one bay the county. mare four years old, 14 hands high, blaze Mr. Billy Earp, our efficient bailiff is face, had on bell and branded T H B on left not a candidate for the office, but Mr. shoulder, HB connected. Appraised at $40. E.A.Edwards is Taken up by Frank Smith and estrayed Wm Foster is quite sick with the measles. before C.M.King JP of Precinct No.5 one PHILO sorrel horse, collar and saddle marked. ___________________________________________ Left hind foot white, shod in front. 12 yrs CENTRAL TEXAS INSTITUTE!! old, 15 hands high, branded S S F on left GATESVILLE, CORYELL COUNTY, TEXAS shoulder. The first session of this instution will One bay horse, 8 years old, 14 1/2 begin Monday, March 10, 1884 and continue hands high. Branded cross J connected and A for five months. on left hip, shod in front. Appraised at Prof. T.L.Crow, lately of Georgetown, $75. Texas, a teacher of high grade, has been Taken up by A.M.Garrett and estrayed elected principle of the school. He will before W.P.Hedgpeth JP of Precinct 1 one be assisted by a sufficient corps of ex- brown or bay mare with sucking colt, 14 perienced teachers. hands high, 5 years old and branded with Pupils from a distance can secure good H U connected on left shoulder and H F board in private families at from $8 to connected on left thigh. $12 a month. The morals of the students One bay mare with sorrel colt, 7 or will be cultivated as well as intellect. 8 years old, 14 hands high same brand. Tuition will rate as follows: $2.00, One bay horse, 8 years old, 15 hands $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 and $4.00 per month, high, same brand. according to advancement of the pupils, One bay mare, 7 years old, 14 hands and must be paid at the end of each month. high blotch brand. Incidental fee fifty cents for five months One dun mule, 3 or 4 years old, 14 or twenty weeks. Pupils entitled to free hands high, branded J J with a bar under tuition under the Public School law will it on each shoulder. not be required to pay tuition before the One gray horse 9 years old, 15 hands public money is exhausted. high, branded J G with half circle on Ample arrangements have been made for the left shoulder and 62 on thigh. pupils desiring instruction in music. Appraised at $150. Persons wishing to gain information Taken up by P.S.Woodward and estrayed relative to board are requested to cor- before W.P.Hedgpeth JP of Precinct No. 1 respond with the principle or secretary one sorrel horse 6 or 7 years old, branded of the board of Trustees. SW on left shoulder, star in face, saddle S. Fields, President and harness marked. F.M.Gardner, Secretary One bay horse 5 years old, branded H _________________________________________ with a cross above on left shoulder, J C on left hip, 0 with cross above on left PATENTS thigh. Obtained, and all other business in the One sorrel mare 12 years old, blaze in U.S.Patent office attended to for moderate face, branded M C on left hip. All shod fees. in front. Appraised at $100. Our office is opposit the U.S.Patent Taken up by George Rankin and estrayed Office and we can obtain Patents in less before R. E. Gaston JP of Precinct No 8 one time than those remote from Washington. paint horse 9 or 10 years old, 14 1/2 hands Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to highd, branded H on left hip---on left flank, patentability free of charge, and we make P T on left shoulder, shod all around and no charge unless we obtain patent. has on a bell. When patent is granted a drawing of your One black horse pony 5 years old, 14 invention, with claims, your name and hands high, branded W on left shoulder and address, will be published in the United ------on left flank, has a knot on right States Patent Office Gazette, a paper of hind leg. Appraised at $80. immense circulation, and the only one that Taken up by W.A.Marten and estrayed publishes this free. before J.Y.Riddle, JP Precinct No 7, one We refer here, to the Postmaster, the black horse 2 years old, 14 hands high, Supt. of Money Order Div., and to officials small spot in forhead, no brand. of the U.S.Patent Office/ For circular One black filly, 2 years old, about advice, terms, and references, to actual 13 hands high, white spot in forhead, no clients in your own state or county, write brand. to: Taken up by H.C.Anderson and estrayed C. A. SNOW & CO, before R.D.Rily, JP of Precinct No 3: one Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D.C. red and white cow, very old, branded V on ___________________________________________ left side and hip, marked crop and under bit in right and underslope in left ear. CRAZY PATCHWORK One white and black two-year-old bull. Having a large assortment of remnants No mark or brand. Appraised at $30. and pieces of handsome brocaded silks, satins, Taken up by A.J.Bone and estrayed and velvets, we are putting them up in ass- before W.B.Hedgpeth JP of Precinct No.1 orted bundles and furnishing them for one sorrel horse, 8 or 9 years old, 14 1/2 "Crazy Patchwork" Cushions, Tidies and Mats, hands high, brand undescribable on left &c, &c. Package no. 1 is--is a handsome shoulder bundle of exquisite silk, satins and brockaded One roan horse 3 years old, branded W velvets, (all different)Just the thing for on left shoulder, K on thigh, and T on the most superb pattern of fancy work. Sent jaw 12 hands high. postpaid for 56 cents sent in postal note or One gray horse 9 or 10 years old, one cent stamps. Package no.2--Containing branded on right shoulder with a Spanish 3 times as much as package no.1. Sent post brand about 14 hands high. paid for $1.00. These are all of the very Appraised at $100 finest quality and cannot be equaled in any Taken up by D. W. Squyres and estrayed other silk works in the U.S. at three times before W.P.Hedgpeth, JP of Precinct No.1 our prices. They will pleasure any lady. One One bright bay mule 8 or 9 years old, order always brings a dozen more. Manuel of 14 1/2 hands high, harness marked, branded Fancy Work with 100 illustrations for X with a bar over it on Left shoulder. artistry, handsomly bound, postpaid, 50. Appraised at $90. Cents. Order Now. Address, The Rochester Taken up by J.P.Sorrels and estrayed Silk CO. Rochester, NY before W.B.Hedgpeth JP of Precinct No 1: ______________________________________________ one gray mare 13 years old, 14 hands high, THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM branded on left shoulder, has sucking colt. The Republicans of the United States, in One gray filly, 3 years old, branded national convention assembled, renew their S on shoulder and hip. allegiance to the principles upon which they Appraised at $40. have triumphed in six successive elections,0 Taken up by W.S.Auten and estrayed and congratulate the American people on so before W.B.Hedgepeth, JP of Precinct No 1: many results in legislation by which the One 2 year old steer, branded and counter- Republican party has, after saving the Union, branded with W B with a half circle above has done so much to render it's institutions and bar beneath; marked crop and split in just, equal and beneficial, the safeguard of the ears, branded A also an oblong square liberty and the embodiment of the best thought bar across the lower line on right hip. and the highest purposes of our citizens. The One five year old steer branded U B Republican party has gained its strength by left side, marked underslope in left and quick and faithful response to the demands of underbit and upper half crop in right ear. the freedom and equality of all men, for a Appraised at $35. united nation, assuring the rights of all Taken up by J. M. Calhoun and estrayed citizens; for the elevation of labor; for an before W.B.Hedgpeth JP of Precinct No.1: honest currency; for purity in legislation one yellow mare 6 or 7 years old, 14 or 15 and for integrity and accountability in all hands high, branded 7 H F connected with departments of the government, and it accepts half circle above on left shoulder. anew the duty of leading in the work of One brown mare, 14 hands high, 3 or 4 progress and reform. years old, branded same as above mare. We lament the death of President One yearling colt, same brand. Garfield, whose sound statesmanship, long One mouse colored mare, 13 hands high, conspicuous, in Congress, gave promise of a 12 or 15 years old, no brand. strong and successful administration-- a One sorrel horse, 10 or 15 years old, promise fully realized during the short 15 1/2 hands high, branded with compasses period of his office as president of the and square one shoulder. United states. His distinguished successes Appraised at $120. in war and peace have endeared him to the Taken up by J.M.Burkett and estrayed hearts of the American people. before R.E.Gaston JP of Precinct No.8: In the administration of President One bay horse14 1//2 hands high, 10 or 12 Arthur we recognize a wise and conservative years old, branded and counterbranded P on and patriotic policy, under which the left shoulder, 88 with 00 over it on left country has been blessed with remarkable thigh and C L on right hip, had bell on, prosperity, and we believe his eminent saddle and harness marked. services, entitled to and will receive Appraised at $35. the hearty approval of every citizen. R.B.WELLS, It is the first duty of a good govern- C. C. C. C. C. ment to protect the rights and prominent interests of its own people.