The Texas Benevelent Association District Conference I have taken the agency for the above institution for Coryell County. It is by The Stephensville district conferences will large odds the best association of the kind be held at Gatesville, June 26 to 29th. in America, and no man of family should go without Saturday, Centennial Day the protection it affords. Call on or address me 1. "The origin of Sunday schools and their at once, and do not go a day longer without ample first connection with the M. E Church," provision for your family, in case of your death. by R.A.Durham. Gatesville, Texas J. B. Cranfill 2. On "Sunday-school literature and the increased -------------------------------- facilities for the study of the Scriptures during SHILOH CURE WILL immediately relieve Croup, the past century," by W.F.Graves. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Y.S.Jenkins 3. On "The progresas of Sunday-schools in the past Wholesale and retail agent. century," by E.A.Smith. ------------------------------------- The above thirty minutes each Woolen Factory 4. 11 o'clock a.m. Sermon or lecture by our Since we spoke of the failure to build a Sunday school agent. Wm.Price on "What may our hopes woolen mill at Jonesboro we have seen repres- and aims be in the Sunday school work for the next entative men from there, and they express a century." 3 o'clock p.m. Centennial address willingness to assist Gatesville in carrying the 1. By Thos. Stanford, on "The origin of Methodism and matter to a successful result here. Let us now it's pecularities up to it's organization in America." talk the matter up and with no uncertain feeling. 2. By F.C.Stephenson: "A concise statement of the Coryell County can furnish a supply a sufficient organization and development of the M.E.Church, South, amount of wool to run a good mill in Gatesville up to 1884." and thus open a market for our production without 3. By J.D.Denton "A concise statement of the development shipping to Boston or anywhere to have to pay and growth of the M.E. Church, South, up to 1884." freight on the very cloth back to us We can Thirty minutes each. have a woolen mill by the time of our next clip 4. 8 oclock p.m. by J.P.Mussett, sermon on "Revivals of if we only think sol religion as chacteristic of Methodism and essentialy to --------------------------------- the conversion of the world." LAKE ICE Sunday 9 o'clock a.m. "A Methodist Love feast," by I will keep during the summer, beginning W. L. Harris. April 1st, a full supply of Lake ice which I will Sunday 11 o'clock a.m., sermon on "Our Thank Offerings to deliver to any part of the city as cheap as manuf- Almighty God for the great body of Methodism as a part of actured ice can be sold. Orders can be left at the body of Christ." the Grangegood Saloon. Rspectively W.O.Bibb. Sunday 8 o'clock p.m., sermon by Wm. Price on "The Holy Ghost -------------------------------- is in the Church of today and the power of Methodism. NOTICE S.S.Scott, P.E. Commissioners court will set as a board of ---------------------------------- equalization on the 21st day of June and allow Capitalist Visitors persons to show cause at that time why their A special train came over last Friday with the immigration assessments should not be increased. agent, Mr. Geo.M.Barbour, in charge of a party of English -------------------------------- Capitalists who are looking to purchase Texas lands. Their names are T.J.Morton, A. H. Paget, James R. Warren, Wm. H. Business Houses Dent, W.G.Harcourt, Vernon and C.T. Benson. The construction The better worth of a town is shown in the agent, George B. Jobbard. Mrs. amd Miss Hibbard, Thos.O.Plunkett character of the buildings that are put up. city editor of the Examiner, also accompanied the party. The Gatesville has now in course of erection the editor of this paper with Mr. W. Gillespie hunted up Mayor following business houses of the most substan- Atkinson, called upon the prospectors and proposed to drove tial character: M.Clark, two stone buildings them over the country in order that they might see what twenty five by seventy, on public square at Coryell county could offer immigrants. The gentlemen declined, a cost of $2500; M.Lasker, of Galveston, two on account of lack of time but expressed themselves as highly stone buildings on the square, twenty five by pleased with what they saw of the county in this, and declared eighty at a cost of $3500; N.D.Choat and Co., to visit us again at no very distant day. on Leon Street, stone livery stable, fifty by -------------------------------- eighty, cost $2500; Wm.Williams, two iron A Valuable Chill Tonic. Read this Testimony. front brick buildings, twenty five by one Pine Bmuff, Ark. Oct.22, 1882 hundred, cost $1500; H.N.Atkinson, two iron Messrs.R.A.Robinson and Co. Louisville, Kentucky front brick buildings, twenty five by one Gentlemen---Please ship via Memphis one gross Hughes' Tonic. hundred cost $4500; John Schley and Brother, Allow me to congratulate you on the large sale of your one stone building twenty five by seventy, Hughes' Tonic and the general satisfaction it has given. cost $2500; J.B.Cranfill, stone building on Your friend, Leon, cost $750. Now for as unpretentious a Wm.L.DeWoodie town as Gatesville, we consider this an excellent Prepaid by Robinson and Co., Wholesale druggists, Louisville, showing, to say nothing of the many buildings Ky. Sold at wholesale by leading wholesale druggists , and at of less importance that are under course of retail by Y.S.Jenkins and C.T.Reynolds. Retails at $1.00. per construction, which the Fort Worth Gazette bottle, six bottles for $5.00 would consider of sufficient moment to say -------------------------------------------- "We are having a boom." Stolen -------------------------------------- The undersigned, post office address Leon Junction, will make a Temperance Notes business of hunting strayed or stolen horses, cattle, etc. Still they come! On Friday night four were His experience in the business warrants an assurance of entire added to our active live counsil. Bro Otis Allen satisfaction to any one employing him. Persons having a need very exceptionally read a selection "The Drunkard's of such services would do well to confer with him. Home." It was drawn to nature. Miss Inez Gardner J.F.Faulknet with ease and grace "Guilty or Not Guilty." It --------------------------------------- is in itself an excellent piece, suited to awaken BORN tender sensibilities. Taken with the pathos Miss Dickie--In this city, Wednesday afternoon, June 11, 1884, to the Gardner threw into its recitation it was partic- wife of J.R.Dickie, a daughter. ularly touching. It being the time for the election of officers for the ensuing term that business was Miller--In this county, Thursday morning, June 12, 1884, to Mr. taken up, and resulted in the election of Prof.T.L. and Mrs. T.S.Miller, a daughter. Crow, W. Primate, J.W.Birkhead, W.Deputy, John Lamb, W.Associate, J.S.Clower, W.Chaplain, W.B.Fakes, McClinton--In this city, Sunday morning, June 15, 1884, the wife Recording Scribe, G.C.Lynn, Financial Scribe, S.M. of B.F.McClinton, a daughter. Sadler, Treasurer, A.A.Brown, Conductor, James ------------------------------- McIntire, Inside Sentinel, Robert Powell, Outside "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 Sentinel. and 50 cents. Y.S.Jenkins, wholesale and retail agent. Owing to the lateness of the hour the election of ------------------------------- lady assistants was deferred until the next meeting. Gen. Benj. F. Butler Brother Jenkins, who at a previous meeting been Ex.Gov.B.F.Butler is unquestionably receiving the benefit of appointed to attend to the matter, reported that a boom of considerable pretentions. His nomination for president he had purchased and placed twelve chairs in the by the Greenback-Labor Cenvention, which follows speedily upon that hall as directed. His report was received and he tendered by Anti Monopolist convention in Chicago is, to say the was discharged. The report of the committee least of it, an actual nomination. To be sure it was not unanimous, appointed to investigate the charges against certain about 100 delegates in an assembly of about 450 refusing to vote for brethren for violating the pledge was to the effect him any circumstances whatever. Nevertheless it is a nomination, they could not find evidence to sustain the charges and a man "who goes into the field" and (we use the word here in the were unfounded In Fact, so the committee recommended sense racing men employ it) with two nominationss to his credit and that the accused be honorably acquitted, which was three or four more about to fall due is not to be is not to be done. Brother Otis Allen announced that Jimmy Saunders despised as a candidate. It is very well understood that Butler had something to offer for the good of the order, preposes to be "the field"---the Republican nomination the only one whereupon he made a few pointed remarks about the which is the only one he has not reached out after. There were lameness of his speech, the imperfection of his murmurs and even bolts from the Anti Monopoly convention in Chicago, diction and the tardiness of the flow of his thoughts, and some of the ring-streaked and freckled delegates of the motley but not withstanding all this, he most pleasantly throng vowed that the convention had been corruptly "fixed" for entertained the whole audience by the aid of other Butler. But the redoutable ex-Governor of Massachusetts ought to brethren, by passing iced lemonade to the crown. be able to silence these and other cavilers. A vote of thanks to Jimmy for his generous and Gen. Ben Butler is one of the squarest men in the world, and the happy surprise was passed by a rising vote. freest of humbug. He is willing to be President, and he says Reporter so to anybody who asks him. He has opinions of his own and he avows -------------------------------------- them like a man. Some of them are popular and some are not; but Wanted this makes no difference to Butler. For instance, he is in favor Hogs to buy. Apply to Straw's Mill. of a graduated income tax, and a tariff which will bestow special -------------------------------------------- consideration to agricultural interests; and he likewise wants Found protection for American manufacturers. A man's saddle. Owner can get it by calling on the -------------------------- undersigned at the Grange saloon and paying for this Physicians recommend Collin's Ague Cure because it's effects notice. J.O.Birmingham can be relied upon. For sale by Y. S. Jenkins -------------------------------------------- ------------------ Lecture Advice that was Heeded Once more to the front--I will meet promptly at It is reported that a plain, honest farmer, friend of Henry Clay, 8 o'clock, at the Miss Hughes school house, next being solicited to be a candidate for the legislature, called on Saturday night, June 21st. Ladies kindly invited. the great Mr. Clay and sought his counsel to the propriety of The subject will be: The South in the Future. No serve his country as the maker of laws. "My advice to you" said Mr. charge for admission. A collection after the Clay earnestly, "is to keep out of politics. They will trump all speaking. kind of charges against you, and ruin your character." "But, replied Dr.Cunningham, P.P. the honest old farmer "They can't say anything against my character; --------------------------------- everybody knows that I have led a blameless life." "Try it" said Cash or No Trade Mr. Clay, who knew how it was himself, "Try it". The good man did try Various reasons require me to sell strictly for it and before the canvass was over he withdrew with disgust. Meeting cash, not the least is that I may be able to meet with Mr. Clay afterward he was asked what were his chances for election. the claims against me. I trust that my patrons "I have withdrawn" he replied somewhat earnestly. "Don't you think," will appreciate my circumstances and save them- said he, "they not only charged me with stealing a sheep once, but what selves and myselfthe embarassment by bringing is worse, they came very near proving it? I am done with politics." the money with them when they desire to buy. -------------------------------- J.S.Clower Chew Stag Head Tobacco Chew Stag Head Tobacco --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- From McCurry Ranch Gatesville's Opportunities As I have seen nothing from this neighborhood for several weeks, will The forthcoming district conferences of the Methodist write you the accidents, incidents, curiosities, etc. We have had church that is to convene here next week will afford several beautiful days and the farmers have been very busy trying to Gatesville a fine opportunity to make a reputation to get over their crops before the next rain. Small grain is excellent the adjoining counties. The district conference will and harvesting has begun. be composed of representative persons from Coryell, We are pained to chronical the death of Mr. G.B.Freeman, of this Hamilton, Erath, Bosque and McLennan counties. This neighborhood who, after a short illness of five days, died Monday night being a good railroad town, having already attracted June 2nd. His death was regretted by all who knew him. He was a member the attention of the surrounding country, we should of the Baptist Church at Gatesville, a good citizen and a kind and exert ourselves to entertain our visitors handsomly generous neighbor. He leaves a wife and two children, and a host of and make them feel that we are interested in every- friend to mourn his loss. thing that pertains to the financial, intellectual Mr. L.M.Martin got a valuable work horse badly cut on a barbed wire and religious improvement of our town. The convening near Eagle Springs while down there on a visit. He left his milch cow of that body here will no doubt extend very much the and chickens in care of your correspondant, who on lifting a hen and reputation of our town. Much has been done in the young chicks, found one of the chicks possessed of four well developed material building up of Gatesville since the arrival legs and wings all the same length. The mother hen killed it. of the first iron horse. Has the educational and Mr. W.B.Woodward's marriage was a surprise in this neighborhood. religious interests kept abreast with the business Your Owl Creek correspondent said he caught a Cole. Well it never growth? Let our people answer. Let us entertain our set him back any. visitors, show them the place, attend the business Prof J. Fountleroy's school is progressing finely with a good meetings of the conference and attentively listen attendance. A.B.C. to the various sermons that will be delivered for ------------------------------------------ our profit. Accumulating Wealth Every citizen should have a lively interest in the The Astors have added largely to their great estate, but they buy growth and prosperity of his home town. So let us with judgement. Their purchases since 1880 $5,080,000 or $6,000,000. not with meagre hands receive the members of the they have bought on Wall Street and on lower Broadway, and they have conference. By a generous reception they will go bought a good deal of land in the new district above Harlem River. home with their mouths full of praises for Gatesville. This they intend letting lie as it is for the future. It would be ------------------------------------------------- difficult to say what the value of the Astor's estate really is. I have Our Correspondents will please omit all references heard it guessed at all the way from $40,000,000 up to $100,000,000. to candidates other than mere mention in ordinary Unlike the owner of some other large estates, the Astors improve most news items. We are determined to maintain a strict most of their property by putting up good buildings, though not neutrality in the premises, treating all the county expensive ones, instead of renting out the land on long leases. The candidates with impartialty. The editors of this meanest estate in New York, in the character of buildings on it, is that paper expect to exercise their privilege at the of the Trinity corporation. The Stuyvesants do very little building on polls, but neither before nor after the election their own account, but they give long leases of land and live on the shall it be known to whose benefit this privilege ground rents--5percent, on their valuation. The Sailor's Snug Harbor, shall be, or has been, exercised. We deem this the which owns the ground on which the up-town Stewart building stands, does only proper course to persue in our capacity as not build at all, but gives leases like Stuyvesants. It gets $25,000 a conductors of a public journal, with no private ends year, ground rent free of taxes, from the Stewart store. to subserve. ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Opening the Fountains We took a look through the saddle and harness store In numberless bulbs beneath the skin, is secreted the liquid substance of Moore & Parks a day of two ago, and unhesitatingly which gives the hair it texture, color and gloss. When this secretion say they carry as fine a stock in their line as can be stops, jte hair begins at once to become dry, lustreless, brittle and found in Texas, and the beauty is, all is put up by the gray. Is that the condition of your hair? If so, apply Parker's hair most experienced and skilled workmen in the very best Balsam at once. It will restore the color, gloss and life by renewing the style. They guarantee satisfaction in everything. action of nature. The Balsam is not an oil, not a dye, but an elegant ----------------------------------------- toilet article, highly appreciated because of its cleanliness. June Xeno's communication from Turnersville dated May 26, ------------------------------------- reached us last Saturday, which is more than a day From Simpsonville foreach mile of the distance. As the news is so old Health of community good, except a few cases of measles, which are doing by this time we do not give it a place. Xeno is one well at present. of our best correspondents amd he is in no wise The damage to crops on the Leon due to overflow is greaater than was first responsible for the tardiness of the mails. estimated. In some places the crops were completely killed. From the best ----------------------------------------- information I can get I suppose fully fifty per cent of the cotton was Our enterprising merchants, McBeth, Fordyce & Co. killed between the mouth of Plum creek and the upper end of the Weaver bend. have shipped in the past month to the McGregor Notwithstanding the disaster farmers are planting over and seem to be hope- neighborhood one cotton gin, two steam threshers, ful. Sterling Barnes, to-day, accidentally drowned a horse belonging to two horse power threshers, and eight self binders, Dock Murrell, while trying to cross the Leon. This makes two horses drowned besides a large lot of general farming machinery. at this crossing this spring. In both cases the horses were tightly girthed ------------------------------- with a flank girth, which I believe caused them to drown. Perhaps it would be A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's well for boys to make a note of this, and loosen the flank girth before going Catarah Remedy. Price 50 cents. Y.S.Jenkins into swimming water. What has become of U No----is he dead? If so, let's have Wholesale and retail agent 20tf another fotch on. Kerzip --------------------------------------- The communications on our second page were crowded out last week.