The largest diversity of industry is most The Republican party favors a policy which productive of general prosperity and of the shall keep us from entaglements with foreign comfort and independence of the people. We nations--which gives us the right to expect therefore demand that the imposition of duties that foreigners shall refrain from meddling on foreign imports shall be made, not for in American affairs--a policy which seeks revenue only, but in that raising the requisite peace so that we can trade with all nations, revenues for the government, such duties shall expecially with those of the western hemis- be so levied as to afford security to our divers- phere. ified industries and protection to the rights We demand the restoration of our navy to and wages of the laborer--to the end that active its old time strength and efficiency, that it and intelligent laboring man his full share in may in any sea protect the rights of American the national prosperity. Against the so-called citizens, and the interest of American comm- economic system of the Democratic party, which erce. would degrade our labor to the foreign standard, We call on Congress to remove the burdens we enter our earnest protest. The Democratic party by which American shipping has been so dep- has failed completely to relieve the people the ressed, so that it may again be true that we burden of unnecessary taxation. By a wise have a commerce which leaves no sea unexplored production of the surplus, the Republican party and which takes no law from superior forces. pledges itself to correct the inequalities of Resolved that it is the duty of Congress the tariff and to reduce the surplus not by the to enact such laws as shall promptly and indiscriminate process of horizontal reduction, effectually surpress the system polygamy but by such methods as will relieve the tax-payer within our territory and divorce the without injuring the laborer and the great pro- political from the ecclesiastical power of the tective interests of the country. so called Mormon church, and that such laws We recognize the importance of sheep husbandry be rigidly enforced by the civil authorities, in the United States, the serious depression of if possible, and by the military, if need be. which it is now experiencing and the dangers The people of the United States in their threatening its future prospects, and we there- organized capacity constitute a nation and not fore respect the demands of representatives of a mere confederacy of states; the national this important agricultural interest for a read- government is supreme within the sphere of it's justment of the duty upon foreign wool, in order national duty; but the states have reserved that such industry shall have full and adequate rights, which should faithfully be maintained. protection. Each sho uld be guarded with jealous care, that We have always recommended that the best money the harmony of our system of government may be known to the civalized world, and we urge that preserved and the Union kept inviolate. The efforts be made to unite all commercial nations popularity of our institutions rests upon the in the estimations of an international standard, maintenance of a free ballot and honest count which shall fix for all the relative value of and correct return. We denounce the fraud and gold and silver coinage. violence practiced by the Democracy in the The regulation of commerce with foreign nations Southern states, by which the will of the and between the States is one of the most important voter is defeated, as dangerous to the perogratives of the general government, and the preservation of free institutions, and we Republican party distinctly announces its purpose solemnly arraign the Democratic party as to support such legislation as will fully and being the guilty recipient of the fruits of efficiently carry out the constitutional powers such fraud and violence. We extend to the of Congress over interstate commerce. Republicans of the South, regardless of The principle of the public regulation of rail- their former party affiliations, our cordial way corporations is a wise and salutary for the sympathy and pledge to them that our most protection of all classes of people, and we favor earnest efforts to promote the passage of legislation that will favor legislation that will such legislation as will secure to every prevent unjust discremination and excessive charges citizen, of whatever race and color the for transportation and that shall secure to the full and complete recognition, possession people and railways alike the pure and equal pro- and exercise of all political rights. tection of the law. ____________________ We favor the establishment of a national bureau of labor, the enforcement of the eight-hour law, THE FARMER AND POLITICS and a judicious system of general education by The following address, by Governor Vance, adequate appropriation from the national revenues of South Carolina, was read at the conven- wherever the same is needed. tion of National Agricultural Association, We believe that everwhere the protection to a at New York: What shall be done for the citizen of American birth must be secured to tillers of the soil? For the American agri- citizens by American adoption and we favor the culturalists and their dependents? For those settlement of national differences by international who represent the primal labor of man, which arbitration. underlies all comfort, all prosperity, all The Republican party having it's birth in a civilization? The man who does not recognize hatred of slave-labor and a desire that all men the vital import of this question is lamentably may be truly free and equal, is unalterably opp- blind to the tendencies of the times. osed to placing our working men in competition What is that tendency? It is not practicable with any form of servile labor, whether at home or material to my design, that the various or abroad, and in this spirit we denounce the directions taken by the energies of this age importation of contract labor, whether from Europe should be delincated; It is sufficient to say or Asia, as an offense against the spirit of that the most remarkable is perhaps the fierce American institutions; and we pledge ourselves and abnormal stimulation of the productive to retain the present law restricting Chinese powers of our race, and the accumulation of immigration, and to provide such further legis- individual wealth in the handling and distri- lation as is necessary to carry out its purpose. buting of it. Reform of the civil service, auspiciously Were the science of statistics old enough begun under Republican administration, should be to take us back to the days of Adam Smith with completed by the further extension of the figures as accurate and painstaking as those of reformed system already established by law to our day, the record of our wealth-getting would all the grades of the service to which it is show such a geometrical progression, an increase applicable. The spirit and purpose of the so far out of proportion to the growth of pop- reform should be observed in all executive ulation as to seem absolutely miraculous. This appointments, and all laws at variance with the is exhibited in the digging of metals from the laws of existing reformed legislation should bowels of the earth, the manufacture of raw be appealed to the end that the dangers to free materials from the field, forrest and mine into institutions, which lurk in the power of off- articles of utility and beauty, and the wondrous icial patronage, may be wisely and effectually methods of distributing the maaterials and products avoided. throughout the world. We designate the trio as The public lands are the heritage of the mining, manufactures and commerce. In each the people of the United States, and should be res- highest skill, the brightest genius and most erved, as for as possible, for small holdings unsleeping energies of the human race are now by actual settlers. We are opposed to the acq- employed. Science, with her searching eyes, is isition of large tracts of these lands by corp- made their servant. They are divided and subdivided; orations or individuals, especially when such to each man is assigned this task, and none can holdings are in the hands of non-resident aliens, survive except the expert and specialist. and we will endeavor to obtain such legislation If a new or important method or expedient is as will tend to correct this evil and with discovered, every other man or method is immediately the command of Congress, the speedy recovery of tested by this new standard of excellence. There land grants and which have lapsed by reason of is no conservatism, everything is progress. In non-compliance with acts of incorporation in all every department and sub-department there is a keen cases where there has been no attempt in good and constant straining after the greatest possible faith to perform the conditions of such grants. results with the least possible means, and to these llll The grateful thanks of the American people results the social and political world are forced to are due to the Union soldiers and sailors of conduce without stint and without remorse. the late war, and the Republican party stands As their means increase their resources likewise pledged to make suitable pensions for all who increase, and these great classes of workers draw were disabled, and for the widows and orphans nearer together. Their alliance, indeed, has become of those who died in the war. The Republican quite complete, and organization for offensive and party also pledges itself to the repeal of the defensive action is perfect in all essential part- limitation contained in the arrears act of 1877, iculars. Touch but one of them, or any one of their so that all invalid soldiers shall share alike dependent industries and the armed battalions and and their pensions begin with the date of dis- mercenaries of all others are instantly in line to ability or discharge and not with the date of defend. The cause of one is the cause of all. Now, the application. against whom is this alliance framed? Or if that be too strong, upon whom is it to operate? Of course the
aim of it all is to make money; but out of whom?