Historical Markers in Gatesville
Gatesville This Historical Marker is located at 110 North 8th Street in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1970.
Coryell County Courthouse This Historical Marker is located at the Courthouse Square in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1969.
Hammack BuildingThis Historical Marker is located at 701 Main Street in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1985.
First Baptist Church of GatesvilleThis Historical Marker is located at 902 East Leon Street Street in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1992.
First Christian Church BuildingThis Historical Marker is located on West Leon Street in Brown Park in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1992.
1904 Leon River Bridge This Historical Marker is located at 110 North 8th Street in Gatesville. It was placed at it's current site in 1970.
Gatesville -- "County seat of Coryell County, Gatesville began in 1854 after the county was created. Richard Grant, an Indian trader and local landowner donated the townsite. It was named for Old Fort Gates (1849-1852) which had been established 5 miles east for Indian protection. The Fort, named for U.S. Army Major G.R. Gates, was the first settlement in the County.
For a few months Ft. Gates served as County seat, but then Gatesville was chosen. The County's first mail line - from Gatesville to Belton - was set up in 1855. The Town grew slowly at first, suffering from intermittent Indian raids, but the period from 1870 to 1882 saw great progress.
In 1870 the town was incorporated and in 1872 a courthouse was built. When St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad ran a spur line to Gatesville in 1882, the Citizens held a gala welcoming celebration.
With the railroad came prosperity and many new homes and businesses. A fine opera house, frontier symbol of culture, was erected and numerous civic improvements were initiated.
Today the town is home of Gatesville and Mountain View State School for Boys. The economy of the area is based on ranching and agriculture. (1970)"
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"Coryell County Courthouse --An outstanding example of Second Empire Victorian style, often seen in Texas courthouse design. Erected in 1897 on land donated by early settler R.G. Grant. Architect for this third Coryell County Courthouse was W.C. Dodson; builder Tom Lovell.
Limestone and red sandstone were precut to the exact size at quarry, then hauled here by horse-drawn wagons. At each entrance are columns in Roman Corinthian Style; and over the east entrance is builder's mark of an owl. Statues on the roof represent "Justice." Noted trials have been held in this building. (1969)"
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"Hammack Building --The Hammack Building is located on property once owned by John Chrisman, who helped survey the town of Gatesville in 1854. The Building was constructed by W.W. Hammack in the late 1800's. Over the years, the Hammack family leased the structure, which housed the Gatesville National Bank, a saloon, a drugstore, and other commercial establishments. The Italianate style building features elaborate brickwork. (1985)"
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"First Baptist Church of Gatesville --Organized in 1856 with fewer than a few dozen members, this congregation has been part of Gatesville history for more than a century. The first meeting of the congregation was held in the Coryell County Courthouse, and early worship services were conducted in the homes of members. The Rev. W.A. Mason was the congregation's first pastor.
A stone building was erected in 1866 to serve as a community school and house of worship for all denominations. The Baptist congregation met in the Union Church until 1872, when its fiest sanctuary was built on the corner of Bridge and 7th streets. An increase in membership necessitated the building of a larger sanctuary. This property was acquired and a new frame building was completed in 1883.
It served the congregation until 1936, when it was replaced by a larger structure. Additional facilities were built over the years to accomodate the growing programs of the church.
An important part of Gatesville's history, this congragation continues to honor its founderes and pioneers while serving the community with ongoing outreach programs. (1989)"
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"First Christian Church Building -- The First Christian Church of Gatesville had its beginnings in the the 1880's. Officially organized in 1892 the congregation built this structure and met here it disbanded in 1972. The building continued in use as a house of worship for other groups for several years until it was deeded to the Coryell County Museum in 1990. The building exhibits well crafted elements of the Greek Revival style in its arched windows and steeply pitched roof. (1992)"
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"1904 Leon River Bridge -- The route once known as the Old Georgetown Road was in existence by 1854 and crossed the Leon River here. A ferry operated at this crossing as early as 1854 and was owned by R.G. Grant, a local entrepreneur and land developer.
The bowstring truss bridge erected near here in 1882 was the first metal truss bridge in Coryell County. It was damaged by two major floods in 1899 and 1900, and the County Commissioners Court authorized the building of another bridge.
The George E. King Bridge Company of Des Moines, Iowa built this structure in 1904. Features include steel construction, wood decking, original lattice railings, pin-connected members, and elaborate stone abutments. The overall length of 141 feet from end to end allows for the 4-foot depth of masonry piers supporting the bridge. It is a 137-foot pratt through truss span with a 5-foot timber approach span, and is one of few such bridges surviving in Teaxs.
The 1904 Bridge served as a major east-west artery for Central Texas. The road became part of State Highway 7 in 1917, and was renamed U.S. Highway 84 in the 1930's. The historic bridge was restored and rededicated in 1994. (1996)"
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Located 2 miles east of Gatesville on U. S. Hwy 84.
Coryell County was formed from Bell County. Created February 4, 1854.
Organized March 4, 1854. Named in honor of James Coryell, born in Tennessee
in 1796. A member of the Bowie Expedition to the old San Saba silver mines
in 1831. A Texas Ranger. Killed by Indians near Fort Milam, May 27, 1837.
County Seat, Fort Gates, 1854. Gatesville since.
First settlement in Coryell County. Established by Brevet Colonel W. R.
Montgomery, 8th U. S. Infantry October 26, 1849, on the military post road
between Austin and Fort Graham as a protection of the frontier against
hostile indians. Named in honor of Collinson R. Gates, gallant officer
in the Mexican War. Abandoned in March 1852, as the frontier line had
advanced further westward. Used as a place of defense by settlers during
Indian raids. First county seat of Coryell County February 4-May 27, 1854,
when Gatesville was established. Marker Erected 1936. Location: old Ft Gates Rd
Served in Texas army 1835-36. A San Jacinto Veteran. Marker Erected 1957. Location
CR 155, Beehouse Cemetery.
Brigadier General C. S. A. commended for outstanding gallantry at Shiloh, led
brigade at Corinth and Vicksburg, fought at Chattanooga and Mobile. Marker Erected 1963.
Location 12 miles east on US 84, 8 Miles north on FM 185, Osage Cemetery.
First official state park in Texas; suggested the idea for the State Park System.
originated with a six acre plot willed to Texas in 1916 by Mrs. Isabella E. Neff,
mother of Pat M. Neff, Governor of Texas 1921-1925. Because Texas then had no
State Parks, Mrs Neff stated the land was to be used for religious, fraternal,
political, and educational activities. Seeing the need for more such areas,
1923, the 39th Legislature created the State Parks Board. In 1934 Pat Neff
deeded 250 acres, and other owners 3 acres, to enlarge the original tract. (1968)
Marker location: Old River Road 21-B off FM 107.
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Hte historic church building was dismantled in 1982, and the lumber was used to
repair the tabernacle. Marker location: FM 185 S of Osage.
Located 1 mile south of Copperas Cove on U. S. Hwy 190.
After Marsden Ogletree (1819-1896) and his family migrated from Georgia, he
received a land grant in 1878. Inscriptions on two stones in this house indicate
the structure was erected the same year. It served as the family home, grain
store, and stopping place for the Lampasas to Belton Stagecoach. Since the mail
arrived by stage, a post office was opened here in 1879 with Ogletree as postmaster.
Legend says that the settlement received the name "Coperas Cove" from the copperas-
tasting spring in the cove of a nearby mountain.
Samuel Gilmore served as the second postmaster. In 1881, Gilmore's father-in-law
Jesse M. Clements (1822-1900) and his wife Charley deeded land for the right-of-way
to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad. The following year the railroad laid
out the new townsite of Coperas Cove. Soon the center of the community, including
the post office, moved over to the railroad. Later the town corrected the spelling
of it's name "Copperas Cove."
In 1891, Clements bought this house and used it as the headquarters for the large
ranch operations. The old stone stagestop remains a visible link with the community's
pioneer heritage. (1979)
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PEARL SCHOOL (1884-1958)
Evolved from a log cabin with puncheon floor and with split log benches to a modern
plant with a gymnasium. Furnished it's fair share of educated citizens.
In early days, a one or two-teacher school. First trustees were J. H. Harrison, V.
C. Karnes and Frank Roberts. In 1907, with a new building, faculty increased to three,
in 1917, to four, and to seven-teacher high school in 1934.
Since school's consolidation with Evant District (1958) this building memorable for
youthful associations has become Pearl Community Center and is often visited by ex-students.
Located at Beehouse Cemetery on CR 155
Served in Texas Army 1835-36. A San Jacinto Veteran.
Erected by the State of Texas 1957.
Located 12 MI E on US 84, 8 MI N on FM 185, Osage Cemetery
erected by the State of Texas 1963
Location: Old River Road 21-B off FM 107
First Offical State Park in Texas; suggested the idea for the State Park system.
Originated with a six acre plot willed to Texas in 1916 by Mrs. Isabella E.
Neff, Mother of Pat M. Neff, Governor of Texas 1921-1925. Because Texas then had
no State Parks, Mrs. Neff stated the land was to be used for religious, fraternal,
politacal, and educational activities.
Seeing the need for more such areas, 1923, the 39th Legislature created the State
Parks board.
In 1934 Pat Neff deeded 250 acres, and other owners 3 acres, to enlarge the
original tract. (1968)
Located at the Grove, TX.
During the late 1870's German Farmer William Winkler and other area pioneers
organized a Lutheran congregation that was formally chartered in 1883 as St Paul
Lutheran Church. By 1896 members had erected a sanctuary on Winkler's Farm and
had called the Rev. Huge as their first full time pastor. When the fellowship
outgrew the first church building, they moved to this site in the Grove in 1908.
With deep roots in the German christian tradition services at st. paul Lutheran
church were often held in both English and German. (1983)
Located on FM 107 near CR 331
This congregation grew from an early Coryell County fellowship known as the
Church of Onion Creek. Worshipers met in a log building until it burned in 1854.
In 1858 this site was acquired for a new Church building. In the same year the
Rev. John McLain, a Baptist missionary, organized the Eagle Spring Baptist Church
from the earlier congregation. Charter members included J.H. and Nancy Estep;
Evan A. and Tabitha Culpepper; Wyatt, Naomi, and Serepha Hall; F.R., Elmira, and
Mary Grimes; Daniel Jones; and C.S. and Zura Strickland.
By 1880 Eagle Springs was a thriving community with two Grocery Stores, two
blacksmith shops, a cotton gin, two churchs, two Doctors' Offices, a Post Office,
and a school. The congregation grew also, with many baptisms being held in the
Leon River.
During the first decades of the Twentieth Century families began moving away
from Eagle Springs. The community school was closed in 1935, and in 1948 members
of Eagle Springs Baptist Church voted to disband. The cuurch building was retained,
however, for reunions and occasional services. It is one of the few remaining
structures in the Eagle Springs Community. (1984)
Loction: 701 Main Street, Gatesville.
The Hammack building is located on property once owned by John Chrisman, who
helped survey the town of Gatesville in 1854. The building was constructed
by W. W. Hammack (1860-1913) in the late 1800's. Over the years, the Hammack
Family leased the structure, which has housed the Gatesville National Bank, a
saloon, A drugstore and other commercial establishments. The Italianate style
building features elaborate brickwork.
recorded Texas Historic Landmark 1985.
Organized in 1884 as Harmony Baptist Church, this congregation began with four
charter members. Early worship services were held in the local school house.
A sanctuary, erected in 1907 was destroyed by fire two years later. A new
sanctuary replaced the 1911 structure. Among the Church's traditions are camp
meetings and baptisms in Cow House creek. Active in community projects, the
congregation led in the restoration of Pidcoke cemetery.
Texas sesquicentennial 1836-1986
James Madison (Matt) Davidson (1826-1925) came to Texas from Tennessee
in 1852 and settled in Milam Territory. In 1854 Matt Davidson and Vianna
Moore (1832-1912) were the second couple issued a marriage license in
Coryell County, Formerly Milam territory.
After serving in the Confederate army during the Civil War, Davidson
bought land on Coryell Creek and built a log cabin there for his family.
Land overlooking the Davidson homestead became the community cemetery.
The earliest marked grave is that of S.R.Bailey in 1862. Many burials,
including several for small children, took place before the graveyard
location was described in a land survey in the 1890's The commuity that
grew around the cemetery included the Blackfoot and Davidson schools, the
Pecan Grove Post Office, businesses, churches and homes. The graveyard was
also called the Blackfoot cemetery.
Among the more than 600 graves are those of veterans of wars from the
Civil War through the Viet Nam war. The Davidson Cemetery Association
was established in 1985 to maintain the grounds. Two acres of land donated
in 1988 by a Davidson descendant were added to the original six-acre graveyard.
The cemetery continues to serve the area.

School Classes were first conducted in a church tabernacle when Ireland was
founded in 1911. The town was platted on the Coryell-Hamilton county line
and named for Texas Governor John Ireland (1827-1896). A wooden frame
school was erected in 1914, and in 1921 five acres were purchased at this
site for a new two-story brick school building. Peak enrollment occurred
in 1949 when thirty students graduated. All grades were taught here until
1943 when high school classes moved to the Jonesboro and Evant schools.
This school closed in 1964, and the building was demolished in 1984.
Texas sesquicentennial 1836-1986
The town of Evant traces its history to an earlier settlement in this area.
Langford Cove, founded in 1855 by Asa Langford (1820-1907), was located
adjacent to and partly within the south boundary of the present town of Evant.
A United States Post Office was authorized in 1876 under the name Cove.
Evan T. Brooks and his family arrived in the area in 1876. In 1881 Brook
platted a townsite which was filed in Hamilton County records as Brooksville.
The same plat appeared in Coryell County records in 1884 as Evant, so named
from a combination of Brooks' first name and middle initial. Streets and
blocks were carefully planned, including a town square.
The Cove Post Office was transferred to Evant and remaned in 1885. In 1878
a one room plank school house was erected on land donated by Asa Langford in
1875. It was replaced in 1888 by a stone structure which, with addition and
modifications, served Evant Independent School District until 1976.
Over the years, businesses were established and Churches and community
groups were organized. The citizens of Evant voted to incorporate in an
election held in December 1976.
Texas sesquicentennial 1836-1986
A group of Methodist gathered in the home of the Rev. John Wesley Shook
(1846-1921) in the winter 1875-76 to organize a congregation. Early worship
services were held in the Hope Schoolhuse.
In 1890 landowner Charley Karnes (1854-1933) gave the Methodist Church
three acres of land on which to build a sanctuary. By 1892 a Sunday school was
in operation, and in 1900 a Parsonage was built near the Church. The
exixting sanctuary was erected about 1919-20, and the Parsonage was sold in 1953.
Serving the people of a large area, the size of the Church's membership varied
over the years. As the population of surrounding communities began to grow,
members of Pearl Methodist Church withdrew to help organize new congregations.
In October 1975 the Church celebrated its centennial with a special program
involving descendants of J. W. Shook and other early members. Four years later,
in March 1979, the congregation voted to disband and the Church was officially
discontinued by the Methodist Denomination. The Church property was given to the
Pearl Cemetery Association in 1985. Pearl Methodist Church stands as a reminder
of the area's early heritage. 1988
Located on FM 292 Coryell City
The area round Coryell City was settled in the 1880's by a number of German
immigrant families desiring to worshiip in their native language, A group of
settlers began meeting together in homes.
The Rev Johannes Barthel of the Lutheran Church occasionally conducted services
for the settlers. He was succeeded by the Rev. R. Seils, who officially organized
St. John Lutheran Church on December 7, 1889, in the home of Fritz Wiede.
The congregation purchased two acres of land and built their first sanctuary
in 1890. It was replaced by a larger structure in 1908, which seerved the congregation
until it was destroyed by fire in 1921. A new sanctuary built that year was replaced by
a red brick structure in 1959.
Worship services were periodically conducted in the German landuage until 1952 despite
some ill feelings the practice caused during the years of World War II.
Adjacent to the church is the St. John Lutheran Cemetery dating to the 1890's. It is
the final resting place of many church and community members including veterans of
World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. (1989)
Location: Texas Hwy 36 to Jonesboro, TX
This congregation traces its history to the late 1860's, when early settlers at
Jonesboro met together in a combination Church-School-Masonic Lodge building for worship
services. W. L. Jones donated land for a Methodist Church in 1871, and the congregation
was formally organized that year. Their first building, completed in 1871, was replaced
by a succession of structures over the years to meet the needs of the membership.
Methodist congregations in the nearby communities of Ames, Pancake, and Turnersville have
merged with the Jonesboro Church. 1991
This congregation traces its history to 1886 when the Rev. W. M. Blakely and ten charter
members organized the Basham Baptist Church in the old Basham School building at the
Smith Cemetery (ca. 1.7 mi.s). Basham Baptist church merged with Salem Baptist Church,
also known as Round Valley Baptist Church) in 1901, and the new consolidated
congregation built a sanctuary at Cravey Crossing on Cowhouse Creek (ca. 2 mi. sw). The
Church's name was changed to Cravey Crossing Baptist Church. Worship services were
held once a month, and baptismal services were conducted in the Creek.
In 1927, after the congregation voted to relocate to this site, the Cravey Crossing
Church building was dismantled and rebuilt here by volunteers. The name was changed to
Purmela Baptist Church when construction was completed in 1928, and soon worship services were
conducted weekly.
Thgroughout its history, this church ahs serviced members in a large rural area. The
Church facilities have been enlarged over the years to serve the growing congregation,
which continues to maintain many of its historic traditions. (1992)
Residents of the Osage community began using this site as a burial place about the
mid 1870's, soon after area settlement began. Though the presence of unmarked burials
indicates possible earlier usage, the first marked burial, that of R. P. Doherty, dates
to 1874.
Although used by the community, the graveyard was privately owned by real estate surveyor
and invester, Luther Kimbell, and his sister Josephine Kimbell. During its early years,
it was not legally designated a cemerery. In 1885, Josephine Kimbell had a cemetery
platted around the existing graves and began commercial operation of the cemetery.
In 1892, Luther Kimbell assumed responsibility for the graveyard and operated it for
the rest of his life.
The Osage Cemetery contains over 800 marked and unmarked graves, including those of
Osage's earliest settlers and veterans of the Civil War, World War I, World War II and
the Korean War. It has been maintained by the Osage Cemetery Association since 1970.
The only cemetery to have served this community, the historic Burial ground is a
tangible reminder of the area's pioneer heritage. (1992)
Location: 300 Ave. B.; Copperas Cove, TX.
Organized in 1885 by the Reverend J. F. Baker and thirteen charter members, this
congregation first met in a community school house. The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe
Railway Company provided a plot of land for one dollar on which the members built
their first sanctuary in 1890. The second sanctuary, built iin 1908 to serve the
growing congregation, is still in existence and used for Sunday School classes. The
Church has produced several missionaries, ministers and full-time Christian service
professionals as it continues to provide important ministeries to the community. 1991
Designed by Melton W. Scott of Waco. This structure was bu;ilt in 1908 for the
historic first Baptist Church congregation during the pastorate of the Rev. A. B. Jenkins.
The lofty one-story building of stone with brick accents features asymmetrical wooden
towers and art glass windows. It was used primarily for worship services until 1965 when
it became the location for Sunday school classes and other Church programs.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1991
This congregation was organized in 1891 as the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and
boasted 56 members in its first year. The Rev. J. David Crockett served as its
first pastor. A church structure built in 1891 was destroyed by a tornado in 1893,
a second structure completed by the congregation that year was replacd by this late
Victorian-era Queen Anne style building in 1912. It features a symmaterical form with
a central gable and flanking bell towers. The Church has sponsored an annual Harvest
Festival to fund Missionaries throughout the world, including Japan and Africa.
recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 19921
Location Grubb Cemetery on CR 182 South of Ireland, TX.
(MAY 19, 1846 - JANUARY 23, 1910)
Wiley Parker Grubb, the son of Jacob N. and Mary Ann (Wiley) Grubb was
born in Walker County, Texas. He joined the Texas Rangers in 1863 and in 1865 was wounded
at the battle of Dove Creek near present day San Angelo. He married Georgia Hester in 1872.
In 1874 he bought land here in Coryell County from his father where he ranched and became
a prominent landowner. Approximately 2 acres surrounding Grubb's grave site were deeded as
a public cemetery in 1937.
Recorded - 1993
Location: 802 North 1st Street; Copperas Cove, TX
A. F. & A. M.
Mt. Hiram Lodge No. 595 was chartered on December 12, 1884. Lodge members shared their
first facility, a two story structure located near present day downtown Copperas Cove with
the public school. In its early years the Lodge participated in a local volunteer
company of minutemen and helped develop this area's economy. The Lodge relocated in
1894 to Main Street and Ave. D, above the J. S. Ckements & Bro. Mercantile Store. Growth
in its membership led to the building of a new Lodge facility at this site in 1970. This
Lodge continues to serve the local community. 1993
Location: CR 194, 2 miles east of Jonesboro TX.
This cemetery, probably named for noted pioneer educator D. R. Wood, was established
with the 1858 burial of Sarah E. Shipman, wife of prominent local rancher John K. Shipman.
More than 20 additional burials were recorded before John K. Shipman deeded 11.5 acres
here for cemetery, church and school purposes in 1877. The cemetery contains grave sites of
many area pioneer settlers and their descendants and veterans of the Civil War and
World Wars I and II. Wood Cemetery remains active and is maintained by an association of
descendants of persons buried here. 1994
Location: US 84 to FM 116; S 3 miles to FM 1783; W 7 miles to King.
This church tracts its history to 1875 when a Baptist congregation organized and held
worship services in the Stringtown log schoolhouse. Baptism services were conducted at
Cowhouse Creek. In 1880 Monroe and Mary Puett deeded two acres of land to the Baptist
Church. A new sanctuary was built in 1901 using volunteer labor. In the 1930's the
Church changed its name to King Baptist Church. Weekly services began in 1974. The Church
has served the area for more than 120 years. 1997
Location: Oglesby, 118 College Avenue.
This church traces its history to 1893 when a revival was held in Oglesby. The
official founding date of this congregation is September 1896. J. M. B. Gresham was elected as
the first pastor of the church, which held services once or twice monthly until 1937.
The first Church building, destroyed by fire in 1913, was replacd in 1914. Additions
were made over the years to accomodate the Chgurch activities. The congregation supports
traditional spiritual programs and has a long history of Missionary outreach and community
involvement. 1996