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About 7 miles north of Gatesville on highway 36, had a church, Post Office and the school, known as
Enterprise School.
Small community near Mound, had a Post Office several months in 1894, very little more is
known about it.
About 9 miles west of Gatesville on highway 84 Arnett had Post Office, store, school and churches.
Ater is about 9 miles up the Leon River from Gatesville. Sardis church and school
were established in the mid 1800's. The Post Office was established in the name of
Sardis and later changed to Ater. There were Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges, a
number of businesses including a barber shop, cafe, grist mill, blacksmith, general
store, gin and even a doctor.
Located some 24 miles west southwest of Gatesville, when established was called
Boyd Cove, applied for a Post Office under name of Bee Hive, but was granted in the name of Bee
House. There is still a community store, church and a School house, no longer in use. Taken from
the 1892 "Gazateer and Classified Business Directory" there was a population of 33, mail was
delivered tri-weekly. T. A. Gardner had a corn mill, Huff and Price a General Store and
M. McHorse had a corn mill and gin.
Located on a spring named Cougar Springs, and later Wilkey Springs. There was a church and
This community was about 10 miles north of Gatesville between White Hall and Coryell City.
It was one of the earliest communities in the county, although never very large and was called
"Perunie" due to the sale of "Purena" patented medicine with a very high alcohol content.
There was a store, grist mill, blacksmithy and steam gin. There was a church and school.
Named for the owner of the land around the town, called Cavitt Switch and was on the Cotton
Belt railway.
About 6-7 miles northeast of Gatesville, a church building was built to be shared equally by 4
denominations, also on donated land were a school and cemetery.
Located 7 miles east of Turnersville on the Mosheim road, consisted of a school house, first a
one room building, later 2 room, was later consolidated with Turnersville.
Located halfway between Osage and Oglesby, it was here that the first Baptist church in Coryell
County was organized in 1854. First services were held in a 2 story log school house, but after the
upper story fell in during a meeting, they decided to build a church house,
which was completed in 1888.
Named for the first Postmaster, was somewhere in the vicinity of KING.
Located 20 miles east southeast of Gatesville on FM 107, was near the community of
Station Creek. The community had a Post Office, cotton gin, 2 blacksmith shops, church,
school, 2 doctor's offices, and 2 grocery stores. From the 1892 "Gazateer" - population was 100,
received daily mail. John Cook grocer; Dr. J. W. Cook Druggist; B. W. Dorsey carpenter; Isaac
Dunevant carpenter; Dr. A. J. Howard druggist; John H. Morrison corn mill & gin; F. W. Morrison
& Bro. blacksmiths; F. G. Ross, justice; and J. S. Torbett music teacher.
There were "Upper" and "Lower" Hackneys, both had schools, and a church.
Located 20 miles southwest of Gatesville off of 116, had a Post Office, school, and church.
About 5 miles northwest of Gatesville, had school, store and church.
Henson's Creek had a Post Office, gin and store, very little is known about it, the creek
or the mountain or the man that they are all named after.
On the western edge of Coryell County, near the Lampassas line, Hillsdale had a school and two
Located 5 miles north east of Turnersville, Hurst Springs was a booming town
at one time. There were 2 churches, school, W.O.W. and Masonic Lodges, gin, Post
Office, 2 general stores, a Dr.'s office, barber and blacksmith shops, mill,
telephone office and 12 homes.
This community was west north west of Gatesville, almost on the Hamilton County Line, and because of
that was originally called Hamco. The Cotton Belt Railway was completed through there in 1911 and the name
was changed to Ireland. It was quite a large town for a time with 3 general stores, a drug store, resturant,
hotel, bank, barber shop, gin, grain elevator, corn mill, lumber yard, 3 churches, a school and a saloon.
At one time known as Stringtown, this community is located 13 miles southwest of Gatesville. The name was
changed to King when a Post Office was obtained, as there was another Stringtown. Time has not dealt fairly with
King either, at one time they had a Doctor, cotton gin, general store, blacksmith shop and church. from the 1892
"Gazateer" - A post village on Cowhouse creek. Settled in 1881, it contains a steam grist mill & cotton gin.
Population 100, mail tri-weekly. Dr. Ralph Bailey, drugs; Joe S. Culp general store; Rev. J. B. Kenchings
(Baptist); L. McCleskey blacksmith; McCleskey & Nobel general store; W. L. Morris mill & gin; R. Rodgers
saw mill.
This community was 3 miles south of Oglesby and was at one time a busy place due to a lime plant and the
This community was created at the end of the Civil War by the freed slaves about 4 miles west of Gatesville.
Located 12 miles north west of Gatesville and consisted of a school house and church.
Oakton consisted of a school about 3 miles north east of Arnett.
Located 15 miles north of Gatesville, Pancake was originally called BUSH. This village at one time consisted
of a store, a gin, two churches, a school and a Post Office. There is still a Pancake living in the Pancake area.
About 10 miles southeast of Gatesville, once was on the main Waco highway. Now there is Davidson/Blackfoot
Cemetery, once there was a store at Pulltight, Pecan Grove Post Office was at Pulltight store. There were blacksmith
shops, gin, store called "little business" because the owner only did a little business there. Pulltight was so
named because of the effort put out by oxen or mules to pull large dray wagons of merchandise up the long hill
which began at Coryell Creek, they had to "pull tight!". From the 1892 "Gazateer" was settled in 1878 contains
flour and grist mill and cotton gins. Populaion 200, daily mail. J. W. Beaty, physician; S. W. Cavett livestock;
J. C. Davidson, livestock; J. W. Jeffries physician; C. M. King cotton gin; F. M. Martin grist mill & gin;
S. W. Martin blacksmith; J. T. Prewett livestock; J. T. Robiinson teacher; J. B. Shows general store & Notary;
H. F. Straw flour mill; C. G. Vandiver flour mill and cotton gin.
Southwest of Gatesville about 6 miles can be found some tall stone walls and scattered stones, the remains
of the Plainview school, situated on high ground with a view of surrounding country side. Standlee Chapel Church of
Christ is located near Plainview and celebrated 100 years of service in 1986.
Lying in the far northernmost corner of Coryell County, Prairie View had rich productive soil. The school district
was named Weeks, but the school and church were called Prairie View.
The old Ross School was located south of Oglesby near the Leon River on land donated by F.G.Ross. The school was in
use until the building burned in 1930.
Slater community is about 20 miles southwest of Gatesville, between King and Izoro, primarily a ranching area. There were
churches, school, cemetery and blacksmith shop, today only the cemetery remains.
Station Creek had a school, called Alexander, Methodist Church and cemetery. Only the cemetery remains, the last burial
there being in 1906.
Straw's Mill was built on the Leon River about 4 miles south of Gatesville and was a water powered corn mill. There was a
Post Office, a flood on the river washed the mill away in 1908. From the 1892 "Gazateer" had population of 85, received mail
semi-weekly. G. W. Straw General store; H. F. Straw flour mill.
Once known as Morrison Grove, the Grove is located 19 miles southeast of Gatesville, just off of the Temple highway.
The Grove is an agricultural community. In 1869 it had two general stores, two wagon shops, a mill, a gin, a Post Office and 4 churches.
By 1900 it was one of the largest towns in the County with 4 doctors, 3 general stores, a school, a cafe, shoe shop, lumber
yard, blacksmith, two barber shops, a dentist, a coffin maker, a candy factory and a mattress factory. There also was a
mule barn. It later had a bank, service station and lodges. Today there is no business open, but some of the buildings
remain. from the 1892 "Gazateer" had a steam flouring mill & a cotton tin; ships cotton, hides and grain. Population 300, daily
mail. W. J. Collins physician; C. A. Ender blacksmith; W. J. Graham general store;J. D. Jefcoot blacksmith; C.M. King flour mill
& gin; Nubenhagan & Fikes cotton gin; C. T. Osmun cotton gin; C. a. Polinick general store; Re. J. T. Dean (Baptist), P. R. Hobin
Notary; E. R. La;yne physician; John Mitchell hotel, flour mill and gin; J. W. Owen flour mill & gin; W. H. Snell flour mill & gin;
W. B. Williams & Co. drugs & groceries.
Topsey is about 20 miles southwest of Gatesville, by 1900 there was a general store and by 1901 a Post Office. It once
had a cotton gin and a school, several churches and a small graveyard.
Located a little over a mile northwest of Copperas Cove near the headwaters of Ripstein Creek, Twin Mountain was settled by
German Lutherans. Once having church, school, and Post Office, today is noted for the large white cross erected high on the
mountain above, built in 1939.
Located about 6 miles northwest of Gatesville, at the foot of Hard Bargain Mountain, lies Union Valley. There was a school,
first a tabernacle, then a church. Today nothing remains to mark the spot.
Located about 9 miles north of Gatesville, White Hall once had a school, church and store. Today only the church remains
in service.
Located 25 miles south east of Gatesville and almost on the McLennan Co. line was the community of Whitson. It boasted a Post
Office, gin, mill, general store, barber shop, doctor's office, blacksmith shop, Woodmen of the World Hall, feed mill, whiskey
still, church and school. Nothing of this community remains today. From the 1892 "Gazateer" contained J. C. Holt General Store; J.
Lynn cotton gin; M. Whitson & Son, mill and gin.

In 1984 Copperas Cove became the largest city in Coryell County, lying 25 miles south southwest of the County seat
in Gatesville. Until World War II Copperas Cove was on it's way to extinction, but being on the south
western edge of Ft. Hood, it has become a busy business and military housing town.
At one time consisting of a large mercantile store, 3 grocery stores, 2 doctors' offices, barbershop, drug
store, garage, blacksmith shop, feed store, butcher shop, school, churches, lodges, steam powered gin, mill and
Post Office. Many of the downtown stores were built of rock. Today Coryell City is a sleepy town of homes and
churches. from the 1892 "Gazateer" - Population 200, has Telegraph, Western Union, Express, W. F. & Co.; H. S. Arnold
general store; W. J. Bashaw carpenter; G. C. Bennett land agent & notary; F. T. Carpenter carpenter; J. S. Clements
constable; Eli R. Goodson & Bro lumber; Gotcher Bros blacksmiths; H. Gotcher & Co hardware; Hoard & Robinson cotton gin;
A. C. Howard railroad, express & telegraph agent; g. W. Luster Physician; J. P. McCowen flour mill and gin; J. F.
McWherry barber and grocer;S. a. Andrews Drugs; A. J. Bellamy carpenter; Rev. R. H. Castleman (Presbyterian);
C. J. Crow physician; A. T. Perkins physician; M. W. Saddler hotel; Saddler & Rees general store; W. J. Swife blacksmith;
J. R. Waller carpenter; T. A. Warren woodworker; R. Woods shoemaker.
Evant had it's beginnings about 1/2 mile south of the present town in a town called Langford Cove and the first Post
Office was in the name of Cove. In 1885 the name of the Post Office was changed to Evant. Evant lies in the westernmost
point of Coryell County, it's school district containing 238 square miles of Coryell, Hamilton and Lampassas Counties. The
downtown square of Evant consists of many native rock buildings with businesses including Bank, Lodges and shops. There
are stations, grocery stores, churches and many homes in the Evant area.
This community is 13 miles south of Gatesville on the Temple highway. It was originally called Mesquite Flat, but due to
another town of that name the Post Office was named Flat. At one time Flat was home to many businesses, but being on the
eastern edge of Ft. Hood today Flat is a quite town with churches, homes, and a Post Office.
Established as a Fort about midway between Fort Croghan on the south and Fort Graham on the north. Later becoming the
first town and the county seat of Coryell County until 1854 when it was moved to Gatesville. Is south on Hwy.36 and
Ft. Gates is now being annexed into Gatesville.
The county seat of Coryell County with a population today of over 11,000. Gatesville has diversified retail businesses,
is an agricultural area, and, with several Texas Criminal Justice men's units, it is also the home to the entire Texas
Women's Criminal Justice system. There are large consolidated school systems, many churchs, County and City Police
Departments, District and County Court systems, and City Management Services.
On the Hamilton County line, north west of Gatesville, first known as Jones' Mill is Jonesboro. The first Post Office
was approved in the name of Jones Mill, being changed soon after. Jonesboro suffered from Indian raids in 1869 and again
in 1871. Today Jonesboro has 12 grades in school and a service station, convenience store, and several
churches. From the 1892 "Gazateer" - Settled in 1866, stages daily to Hamilton and Gatesville; fare 10 cents per mile.
Population 700, mail daily. Beaver & Bly livery; Bly & McKowan saloon; J. H. Conley general store; T. J. Hamilton corn
mill & gin; Harbison & Bartlett blacksmiths & hardware; Hibits & Lawrence Druggists; Jones Bros grocers; Jones & Short
Physicians and druggists; W. H. Langdon general store; Lawrence Overton barber; R. J. Pope physician; Riden & Buckels
billiard ;hall; Wm. Sauler furniture & hardware; B. J. Smalley physician; J. H. Strickney deputy sheriff; Wallis & Overton
general store; J. L. Woodall shoemaker; W. H. Woodall blacksmith.
About 15 miles south east of Gatesville, lies Leon Junction in a valley nearly at the foot of Breadtray Mountain near
the Leon River. It once had 4 stores, 2 churches, an I.O.O.F. Hall (shared by the Masons) a large school, known as New
Olive, a cotton gin, and 2 blacksmith shops. The Junction (as often called) was on the Cottonbelt Railway and a station
agent was on hand at all times. Today, as many other towns, the railway is gone and the town has dwindled to mostly homes.
From the 1892 "Gazateer" - Population 25, mail daily S. P. Brock general store; N. Davis general store; J. G. Laughlin Justice;
J. H. McGee saloon; M. A. Taylor blacksmith; P. L. Whittenberg general store.
Levita once had a Post Office, several grocery stores, 3 Doctor's offices, gin, flour mill, grist mill, feed store, barber
shop, lodges, filling stations, and school. Levita also suffered from the loss of the railway. Today only churches and
families remain. From the 1892 "Gazateer" - Population 80, mail tri-weekly; James Brown physician; J. D. Chambe blacksmith;
C. B. Coleman grocer; James Coleman shoemaker; Jefferson Davis constable; A. M. Gilbert livestock; Jones & Woods mill & gin;
Walter Miles blacksmith; R. T. Nash physician.
The Mound community is 12 miles south east of Gatesville, named for the school, White Mound School. One of the oldest
communities in Coryell County. It also suffered from the loss of the railway. Today the school has consolidated with
Gatesville. There is a lot of rich farm land around Mound, it lies very close to the Leon River. From the 1892 "Gazateer" -
Population 13, Express, Pacific, Mail daily. C. M. King flour mill & gin; H. C. White general store.
Oglesby began because of the railway and was first called Hilltop, due to the fact that it was the highest point on
the Cottonbelt Railroad. During it's golden age Oglesby had 3 doctors, 3 drugstores, 7 grocery stores, 3 barber shops,
two tailor shops, a bank, theater, Post Office and Railway agent. The school in Oglesby is still through 12 grades. from the
1892 "Gazateer" - Population 80, mail daily. D. R. Boone general store; E. A Culpepper constable; C. Franklin blacksmith;
M. B. Hitt railroad, express and telegraph agent; Hitt & Norton cotton gin. John E. Lawrence drugs; Maggie Magown schoolteacher;
Jrv. J. W. Norton (Baptist); W. C. Norton hotel and notary; S. C. Paiine blacksmith; Rape & Jordan Physicians; F. G. Ross justice.
Osage community is on the eastern edge of Coryell County, where this county joins with McLennan County. Osage, named
after the apples from the bodarc tree, is today a sleepy country town comprised of family homes. from the 1892 "Gazateer" Stages daily to
Crawford and Coryell City, population 72. M. Armstrong physician; A. J. Baird physician; Baird & Riley mill & gin. J. B. Bennett constable;
Thomas Brown general store; T. J. Campbell blacksmith; R. E. Edwards justice; A. S. Fouts general store & livestock; J. J. P. Fouts general
store; J. S. Paschal physician; Reeves & Brown general store; John W. Wright drugs.
Originally known as Wayback, Pearl is 22 miles west of Gatesville. When they applied for a Post Office it was in the
name of Swayback, for the Swayback Mountain, but a clerical error entered it as Wayback, changed to Pearl in 1890. Today
Pearl is a community of homes, churches and the old school buildng is used by the community as a center. From the 1892 "Gazateer - Population
125 mail stage to Gatesville tri weekly fare $1.00. L. Beavers justice; John Conner gin; E. P. Davenport & Co. general store;
J. H. Harrison bee gum factory; T. F. Pace constable; John Warren corn mill; Rae Wright blacksmith.
Known as Pidcoke Ranch when it got it's Post Office in 1875, this community is 15 miles south, southwest of Gatesville.
Today the activities are centered in it's churches and cemetery association. 1892 "Gazateer" population 50, mail tri-weekly; J. C. Baird
physician; E. A. bean real estate; V. Fry carpenter; R. b. Garrett carpenter & wagonmaker; Rev. Heiser; J. T. Meek general
store; E. A. Mosley county commissioner; R. S. Roger grist mill; S. W. Sanders physician; J. W. Seay grist mill & gin; J. W.
Warren blacksmith.
Today there are two Purmelas, old Purmela and new one called South Purmela. The Post Office was applied for in the name
of Furmela, but came through as Purmela. This community once had stores, churches, and a school. From the 1892 "Gazateer"
population 15, mail tri-weekly. dr. T. P. Gray drugs; Hall & Son general store & gin; Thomas Ogden blacksmith.
One known as Buchannan Springs this community is 15 miles north of Gatesville, Due to the extensive growth of cotton
in the area, this was a bustling village for several years, having 2 grocery stores, 2 general stores, 3 cotton gins, a
newspaper, 2 doctors, 2 banks, a drugstore, a hotel, 2 blacksmith shops, telephone office, photographic studio, grist mill,
and a millinery shop. Today the activity is centered in the Fertilizer store, a very active community center and a cemetery
association. From the 1892 "Gazateer" population 250, mail daily. Wyatt Barnett chair manufacturer; Mrs. E. E. Bates general store;
J. S. Cagle blacksmith; J. P. Calloway physician; J. M. Cox justice; H. N Davis general store; P. R. Hobin notary;
E. R. Layne physician; John Mitchell hotel, flour mill and gin; J. W. Owen flour mill and gin; W. H. Snell flour mill & gin.
W. B. Williams & Co. drugs & groceries.
All of the above information taken from the "Coryell County Families" book, with permission.

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Copyright 1998 by Bobbie Ross