Send us any Civil War info you have on Coryell County and we will place it here.
The following picture is taken on the Coryell County Courthouse steps during a
reunion of Confederate veterans August 6-8, 1901. An article accompanying the
photograph in the paper said that the group was given a "beautiful flag" from the
ladies of the town and the writer noted that it was the handiwork of Mrs. C.P.White.
The picture is included in it's entirety, so you will have to scroll from side to side.
I don't know if you will be able to read the numbers on each person, but each is
numbered and named below the picture. This picture was on the front page of the
"Confederate Veteran" magazine in the 1920's.

The numbering on this picture starts on the bottom left hand corner and goes to the
right. The second row starts on the right and goes to the left, 3rd starts on left
and goes to the right. It becomes confusing when you get to those sitting on the
steps, as in some places there are 6 rows. In hopes that it helps some, the men on
the far left, front to back are #1, #46, #47, #99, and the man at the back has no
apparent #. The right side, the man in front is #29, the one behind him is #30, the
one behind him is #31, then #127 and the one behind him is #126. Some have apparently
not been numbered.
1. S. J. Nettles; 2. M.A.Bland; 3. B.P. ?; 4. ? Worthington; 5. ?; 6. B.T.
Blacklock; 7. T.G.Ross; 8. J.S.Holt; 9. ? White; 10. Master Parker White(child);
11. C.C.Moore; 12. W.H. Morgan; 13. Jno. P. Kendrick; 14. J.R.Brown; 15. Dr.W.E.Brown;
16. J.C.Jones; 17. Jno. H. Wigington; 18. G. M. Sargent; 19. W.T.Priddy; 20. W. N.
Bates; 21. ? ; 22. Chas. Hodges; 23. J.W.Lewis; 24. J. C. Chambers; 25. O.J.Wollard;
26. Master Wollard (child); 27. ? ; 28. ? McCorkle; 29. V.F.Roper; 30. S.W.Fletcher;
31. J.E.Gober; 32. Frank Martin; 33. J.C.Newsome; 34. J.W.Gideon; 35. J.M.Robinson;
36. D.R.La...?; 37. H.L.Stevenson; 38. S.A.Peeler; 39. Jno. T. Grant; 40. ? McMinn;
41. J.K.P.Yeary; 42. F.M.Jones; 43. R.L. Suggs; 44. E.L.Lawrence; 45. ?; 46. J.M.
Brown; 47. A.F.Smith; 48. J.C.Harper; 49. ? Moore; 50. J.M.Shults; 51. Jno. Lane;
52. S.J.Parks; 53. A.D.Dickson; 54. H.C.McDaniels; 55. Joe Cox; 56. ? Jackson;
57. Tom Scott; 58. J.W.Sherrill; 59. A.J.Bone; 60. D.R.Franks; 61. ? Osborne;
62. B.M.Wolf; 63. ? Herrington; 64. Jas. Dickey; 65. ?; 66. Jno D. Morgan;
67. R.E.Gaston 68. B.F.Courtney 69. B.W.Honeycut 70. Jno. Schley 71. ? ; 72. U.
Everetts; 73. ?; 74. Henry Mayberry; 75. J. H. Jones; 76. N. Beaver; 77. ?; 78.
S.J.Pearson; 79. E.N. Newton; 80. W.A.Barefoot; 81. ?; 82. A.D.George; 83. J.E.
Stockburger; 84. W.F.Routh; 85. Curtis Greene; 86. W.H.Hawkins; 87. W.A.McBeth;
88. Jas. Scott; 89. A.H. Gregory; 90. N.R.Altum; 91. E.R.Biddy; 92. R.J.Glass;
93. J. H. Kimbrough; 94. W.P. Stovall; 95. J.L.McNeil; 96. R.H. Washburn;
97. ? Dodd; 98. Henry White; 99. I. C. Puckett; 100. ? Bray; 101. Jim Sargent;
102. J.M.Savil; 103. J.P.Cox; 104. W.R.Robinson; 105. Joe Troller; 106. J.F.Smith;
107. T.J.Stephenson; 108. M.E.Dyson; 109. T.T.Crow; 110. E. Barr; 111. S.A.Hood;
112. Geo T. Moore; 113. R. Price; 114. W.J. Barkley; 115. Dave Russell; 116. F.O.
Bertrand; 117. J.R. Bertrand; 118. B.F.Miller; 119. R.E.Lovejoy; 120. H.C.Thomas;
121. A.R.Allen; 122. Jim Autrey; 123. R.B.Ash; 124. G.J.Joiner; 125. R.Bass; 126.
G. Cummins; 127. Henry Franks.
This is a letter written by Obedience Altum who lived in Anderson Co. TN to her
son, Newton Russell Altum on 7 April 186?, (appears to be 1861, but could be
64, 67 or 69). Newton and his family lived in Spring Hill, Murray Co. GA.
Obedience died following the 1870 census in Anderson Co. TN. Between 1870 and
1872 the Altums came to Coryell County. Transcribed exactly as written:
Dear Son & Daughter
I now have the oppertunity of ancering your kine letter to me I was glad to
hear from you & hear that you was all Well We air all Well but my Self & I have bin
confined to my bed for a Good While Newton I Wold like to see you all mity well but
I think very likely you have put off the time to come to see me to long for unless
some change I cant live long & I want you to bee a good Boy & if I never See you
any more I want you to try to meet mee in a better world than this I have nothing
more to write much I think that Thomas has give out Coming Down this Spring So you
must Write As soon as you can So I must close for this time by saying I remain your
Mother untill Deth
Obedance Altum
To N. R. Altum & famley Wrote by Spencer Altum
A few lines for my Self now
We air all well at this time & I hope that theas few lines will Reach you & fine
you all well I have nothing of intrust to write to you at presant times is very harde
a bout money at this time Produse is not near as by as it has bin hear all they has
bin a gradeal of corn & Stuf Distroyed by the Water this Spring We have had more Rain
this Spring than I ever saw I think we air not Dun Sowing oats yet & in fact their is not
eny Body that has Dun Everything to words farming yet. Newton you must write to mee &
let mee now how times is Down their So no more at present
But Remaines yours & cu( ? possibly cousin?)
I think this letter is written by Spencer Altum, older brother of Newton by 5 years, or
possibly a cousin, although I cannot place a cousin Spencer at this place & time. Original
letter in possession of Johnny DeLord of Gatesville in 1998.
This letter is from J. M. Preuit of Coryell Co. TX to Mr. L. C. McVay in AL and was originally
published in the Moulton, Alabama newspaper August 7, 1874.
Mr. L. C. McVay: Dear Sir:
As this is a very rainy day and I have nothing to do, will write you a short letter. Yesterday,
by some crook or other the Moulton paper fell into my hands and looking over it I saw your name
and others once well known to me. Some 45 years ago I went to school to a gentleman bearing the
same name. I suppose you are the man, if so you will remember me before you get through with
this letter. I am the son of Wm. Pruit, once lived on Elam creek and then on the Rice place.
The first Horse Mill ever in Lawrence Co. Ala., was at my fathers place and McBride had a store
at the same place. In the same paper I saw D. L. Dinsmore's name. I once went to school to a
Mr. Dinsmore and he must be my old teacher. Dr. Simms, D. Hodges, Levi Warrn, I. N. Owen,
D. Lynch and J. B. Speake are names very familiar to me. I suppose but few of my old acquaintances
are there now; gone off or dead. I lived with Craddock and Edmundson in Moulton in the year 1833
and 1834 and with Wm. H. Prince in Oakville, in 1835. I made two crops on the P. Craddock place
on Elam creek.
I moved to Desota co. Miss. and remained there 17 years, then to Drew co. Ark and lived 15 years--
thence to the Lone Star State and have resided here over 4 years. I live in this county near Bell co.
about 31? de. north latitude and 96-1/4 de west longitude, and 1000 feet above the level of the Gulf;
30 miles southwest of Waco, 20 miles southeast of Gatesville, both county towns and nice business
places and building up fast. Waco has a railroad. This is one of the best counties I ever lived in.
Our lands are black and rich. no sand except in a very few places. Our soil will average 3 feet and
some places 8 feet.
This is decidedly the best country for wheat, corn and grasses I ever saw, and cotton grows very
well here. Fruit not so good as in Alabama, vegetables fine in good seasons. have less rain here
than in some countries. Wheat will average 18 bushels to the acre, corn 30, oats 70, cotton half bale,
hay four tons. Wheat will go 40 bushels, corn 100 and cotton 2 1/2 bales to the acre occasionally on
good soil but are in extreme cases. We have the finest grasses in the world; have five varieties
which remains green from Spring to Spring except some very severe spells.
Our stock does fine all year round, and grass ponys will do as much work as your best fed horses.
Timber is scarce--oaks and cedars however, are fine. We have fine rock for houses, chimneys and fencing
a short distance west is the place where the Star State got her marble slab which stands No. 2 at
Washington city. As to water, we have an abundance of the best, our streams are clear and swift. Mostly
soft and Limestone water. This is a beautiful high rolling prairie country, with branches creeks and
small rivers. Very little mud but it is sticky for a short time after a rain. We have what is called
Northers--not bad--but a blessing; they purify the air and make it healthy. It is seldom we have sultry
nights and days--always a breeze and sleeping is so pleasant. We have 125 families in 4 miles of my house,
all moved here since 1868; 8 of the Caries, school mates of mine, once lived in Moulton--Talmage's widow
is one of them; 3 of old Esq. McDonald's children, uncle Jno. Preuit and Mrs. Harman B. Galloway live close
to me and have seen many others from Alabama.
I have traveled six months in Texas; have been in 55 counties, and stuck my stake near the S.E.Corner
of Coryell co. Taking into consideration wood, water, rock and health, I prefer the southern portion of this
county and the northern part of Bell. I have been here 5 winters and 6 summers.
I was 54 and my wife 52 years old when we moved to the county; and now we are 30 lbs heavier. Our
children are stout and healthy, and but little sickness in the country. Land has gone up from 30 to 40 percent
within 4 years, and is still rising. Good uplands, water and timber, unimproved at $4 to $6 per acre, cash in
hard money--improved, little or none for sale. I can take fish out of water and kill a deer running. My
uncle Jno Pruit is the rise of 71 years, has a fine Morgan horse and two gray Hounds and if you could see them
after a mule eared rabbit and him after the dogs, hat in hand and yelling near every jump you would think him
a boy. he is port and stout; eyes good and shoots a rifle without specks. Our money is mostly gold. You have
this published in the Moulton paper.
Yours as ever, J.M.Preuit (Preuit is spelled about 3 different ways by the author)
(This originally ran in the Coryell Co. Kin quarterly, submitted by Ginger Dossman)

Copyright 2000-2005 by Bobbie Ross